Wednesday, July 4, 2007


The big name, "ACCIENT OF DAYS" has confused lot of bible scholars from around the world since from the ancient times as there is no detailed information about who Prophet Daniel described as the 'THE ACCIENT OF DAYS". Lot of song books had been composed praising the "ACCIENT OF DAYS" with the believe that he is the "ALMIGHTY FATHER IN HEAVEN" worthy to be worshipped.
Worshipping a prophet of God is an abomination before the Lord except where it is commanded by God from the scripture like in the case of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave his precious life to save the whole world as was predicted in the books of the prophets( Isa 9:6-7 and Revelation chapter 5:1-end). Therefore God concealed the grave of Moses from the people of Israel during his death so that he is not worshipped as GOD (Deut. Chapter 34).
Prophet Daniel described prophet Elijah as the Accient of Days one who must come first to restore all things including the kingdom of God to be ruled by the sons of Abraham whose government will be overthrow later by the antichrist (see Daniel 7:1-25). Daniel disclosed that thrones were cast to the earth and one that was ancient of days took his seat(representing Christ; Rev. 1:12-14). Note that Daniel did not call him by his real name instead he described him as an aged man full of many years. Use King James version and the Revise Standard version and read Isaiah chapter 24:23 describing "Ancient" as Elders.
Prophet Elijah who appeared to Daniel looking very elderly like Moses his collogue who ascended into heaven in a Chariot of fire made of two wheels (2 Kings 2:11-12) also saw his second coming just as he ascended into heaven sitting on a throne made of fiery wheels and fire was streaming out from before him(being a prophet who destroyed his enemies by fire; see 2kings 1:9-18 also described as one the two witnesses who shall destroy his enemies by fire streaming out of his mouth; Rev: 11:3-7).
Prophet Daniel revealed that as a GREAT RESTORER he shall be the first to restore God's kingdom on earth with thousands of the saints and more than ten thousands stood before him for judgment he was referring to the books of the law as a Chief Judge and one who will execute judgment on beast which is the antichrist(in the battle of Armageddon)and who will cast the beast into the furnace of fire during his military regime before the second coming of Jesus Christ follows.
Daniel now revealed the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven to meet the accident of days here on earth immediately the beast had been defeated and cast into the furnace of fire by the end-time biblical prophet whom Daniel described as the "ACCIENT OF DAYS" NOT GOD THE ALMIGHTY PLEASE..
Daniel said, " I saw in the night vision and behold one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven(which is Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven) and he came to the "Ancient of Days"(who was already on earth after he had cast the beast into the furnace of fire during the great tribulation) and (JESUS) was presented to him (the "ACCIENT OF DAYS" JUST AS THE WAY JESUS PRESENTED HIMSELF TO JOHN THE BAPTIST WHO CAME IN THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH WHO BAPTIZED HIM AND DECLEARED HIM FIRST AS THE MESSIAH AND WAS CONFIRMED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIKENESS OF A DOVE; see Dan. 7:9-28 and Mat 3:1-17). THIS IS GOING TO RE-OCCUR IN THE END-TIMES
Similarly, Prophet Malachi predicted the coming of the prophet Elijah before the coming and dreadful day of the Lord who shall put the holy laws into force giving through Moses in collogue as the Lord commanded him at Mount Horeb for all Israel (Mal. 4:4-6). However the second coming of Elijah was first manifested through John the Baptist who came in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:3-17) and Jesus indicted that there shall a further fulfillment of the coming of Elijah in the end-times who shall come first to restore all things just as it was revealed to Prophet Daniel.
I hereby advice song writers and gospel song publishers to please retrieve and stop using that name "ACCIENT OF DAYS" from those publications since it is an abomination before the Lord to take a prophet as the ALMIGHTY FATHER IN HEAVEN including the angels as the prophet Elijah is still the very Archangel Michael the great Prince who shall re-appear and fight the beast in the great tribulation as revealed in the books of the prophets as indicated in my past articles.
May the Lord forgive all of us now that we have come to know the truth of the matter which he revealed to us from the angel's scroll in this end-times; lot of mistakes and beliefs has to be corrected so as to avoid the wrath of God descend on us.
You are warned!
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details


Hebrew chapter 9:27 states "It is appointed onto men once to die and after that the judgment". The big question is, does the righteous too face the judgment? Jesus Christ, the chief Judge on the day of judgment says, " Truly, truly I say unto you, he who hear my words and believe him who sent me has eternal life; he does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life" (John 5:22-24). Lazarus upon death did not come into judgment but passed from death to life. Angels took his spirit to heaven and rest in the bosom of Abraham. So he was not judged. ( Luke 16:19-31)
Roman chapter 8:1 states that there is therefore now no condemnation unto them that are in Christ Jesus Those that were slain for the testimony of Jesus are before the alter of God in heaven(Rev. 6:9-11). During the second coming of Jesus Christ, known as the rapture, the death in Christ shall rise up first and be caught up together with the living to meet the Lord in the sky (1thes 4:1-end)
Jesus said unto the robber on the cross, " Truly I say unto you today shall thou be with me in paradise". He did not come into judgment but went directly to paradise"( Luke 23:43).
In Revelation chapter 20:1-4, the death in Christ resurrected and sat on thrones to judge and not to be judged.
As required in this world only a law breaker should be arrested by a law enforcement agency; first the law breaker has to be tried in court and if found guilty, will be sentenced to prison or be condemned to death as required by the law. The very procedure is also applicable to all those who died as sinners, In the book of Isaiah chapter 24:21-22 it is stated that on the coming day of judgment, some lawbreakers shall be put to prison and later be judged
In Revelation chapter 20:1-end, those law barkers who did not resurrect during the resurrection of the saints later resurrected and appeared before the great white throne judgment and were judged according the what is written in the books and if anyone's name is not found written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire which is the second death.
Now in the case of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man being a lawbreaker found himself in the lake of fire as a judgment.
Thefore Hebrew 9:27 should be re-written as, It is appointed unto sinners to die once and after that the judgment" and not to include all men. This will go in line with all the prophecies both in the old and New Testament backing the re-appearance of the biblical prophets as saints who are free from judgment and fulfilling various assignments from one generation to another.
Apart from the prophetic book of Revelation, any scriptures written by the Apostles of the New Testament that is not in line with the Old Tastament scriptures including those that are written in the four synoptic gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) should be corrected in subsequent re-prints by the translators of each version as the end-time biblical scroll reveals and correct some of these errors both in the old and the new testament scriptures.
The argument as regards re-incarnation stated in the days of the Apostles as some false preachers and prophets of certain religious organization taught that a sinner must die and re-incarnate several times until he come to perfection as is being argue even in this modern days by those very ancient false religions. That is why Hebrew 9:27 counter that all men die ones and after that the judgment which is quite contrary to the fulfillment of the biblical prophecies in respect of the re-appearance of certain biblical saints who are totally free from judgment whose spirits put on another flesh to perform the same or similar assignment as God's faithful messengers. For example, the two messengers, Elijah and Moses revealed to re-appear in the end-times according to Revelation chapter 11 who were born by women and to be reborn .
The spirit of Abraham re-appeared in the body of Simeon who was told that he will not see death until he had seen the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah and of whom the Messiah said to the Jews that, Abraham saw him and was glad ( John 8:56 ). The spirit of Elijah returned in the flesh of John the Baptist; thefore John the Baptist was the Elijah in another flesh as Jesus testified(Luke 1:13-17 and Mat. 11:7-15)
The body of a man dies and return to the earth and becomes dust because from the dust it was formed but the spirit in the man either goes to the place of punishment., awaiting trial ect if he dies as a sinner or to God in paradise if he dies as a saint.
The body of the man is like a container and the spirit is the content. This content can be emptied into any other container; but the quality of the container may not be exactly like the first container but the content is the same like the first container. Certain product we buy in the market could have the same taste but the container could be re-designed differently and even made of higher quality all to attract the buyer.
So is the body of the man containing the spirit. The body bearing the spirit could be made of different races, cultural background, from one generation to another which may confuse you unless you have the spiritual eye to recognize it but the taste is the same as the original. The same spirit could come with a new message for a different assignment as already predicted.
More of these mysteries will be revealed in my articles on the end-time events.
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details


The Ark of the Covenant was first introduced during the time of Moses in the wilderness which contained the ten commandment. The glory of the Lord rested on the Ark and Moses heared the voice of the Lord above the Ark of the Lord. Only the Levitical priests were allowed to carry the ark and none Levites were killed. The Ark was a symbol of the covenant God made with the people of Isreal sealed by the blood of animal(Exodus chapter 24)
Since the blood of animal cannot take away sin, Jesus came and shed his blood on the cross as the last Lamb which sealed off all sacrifice of sins performed by the Levitical priests of old as Jesus testified(Mat 5;17-20 & Hebrew chapter 5 to 7)
There are several sacrifices but only one that Jesus had finally fulfilled by using his blood; that is any sacrifice requiring killing of animal to shed the blood for whatsoever purpose will not be used in the new temple of Ezekiel. This did not include vowing, tithings, burning of candels and incense manufactured and produced from the right source as prescribed by Moses including the use of the seven candle stand.
This forms of sacrifices and offering will continue for the fact that Jesus had not yet personally reside with us on earth as the temple; this will continue from the building of the temple and throughout the military regime of God's kingdom. Therefore in the book of Revelation, after Jesus had shed his blood on the cross, incense burning upon the alters in the temple still continue even in heaven as was shown to Apostle John including the unvailing of the Ark of the Convenant that was lost and found and shew the Lamb being slain for the last sacrifice for sins who was worthy to open the scroll sealed with seven seals having shed his blood (Rev. 5:1-10, 6:9-11, 8:1-5, 11:15-19, 14:15-17 & 15:5-8) The Lord will creat a new heaven and a new earth and the new Jerusalam will descend from heaven and will land in Isreal on whose foundation the names of the twelve Apostles were written and the names of the twelve tribes of Isreal were written each on the gates of twelve. Then John said, "I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it and they shall see his face and his name shall be written on them and nothing unclean gets into it(Rev. chapter 21-22). At this point since there is no temple, all form of sacrifices cease.
The wilderness congregation of Isreal was controlled by the Ark of the covenant and the manifestation of the pillar of cloud and fire which the people of Isreal saw during the time of Moses. The second Moses which is Jesus Christ has come and ended up the sacrifice of sin and has gone into heaven. The present pillar of clouds and fire is the holy spirit now leading the saints of Abraham which descended on the day of Pentecost performing great signs and wonders such has healing, deliverance, miracles ect beginning from the days of the Apostles known as the pentescoal envegelical force sweeping across the entire globe preparing people for the kingdom of God that was to take place as a continuation of the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ but were not given the authority to restore God's kingdom just like the first ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ who only came to prepare workers for the kingdom of God that was to take place. However, the power to restore the kingdom is given to the end-time biblical prophet who is assign to restore all things including God's kingdom so that this people takes over the government of the whole world and rule putting the laws of God into force as a period of implementation and restoration as prophet Malachi predicted about the coming of the prophet Elijah who is also the very spirit of King David in the end-times. There are several prophecies about the second coming of King David in his exact appearance and likeness since King Solomon was the very Son of God whose spirit came as Jesus Christ as the Messiah to die for the remission of sins while King David was the deputy Messiah who came as John the Baptist. Now if even King David re-appear in Africa he will still resemble Jesus Christ as father and Son resemble. The apparace of King Solomon was described in the Old Testament who appeared in the same manner as the very Son of God including that of King David his father who is the very Accident of days as a forerunner and as the king of war
King David his father looked like Jesus Christ in physical appearance even in the flesh of the blacks for a proof of their biblical identity. Do not worry you will see his photograph looking like black Jesus who emerged from Joseph tribe on exile as a forerunner tribe to Judah since Jesus Christ is of the tribe of Judah.
King David emergence on exile implied the bringing together of the tribe of Judah and Joseph predicted in the books of the prophets. From this point on I using the biblical name "KING DAVID" whose re-appearace in the end-time was predicted by several biblical prophets being the most powerful king of Israel of old who shall fight the war Armageddon in the end-time. Watch out for the photographs with full biblical facts and proofs as you are going from theory to practical and please read the articles on re-incarnation of the bibilical saints. click below
The temple of Ezekiel to be built in Cape Town, known as the New Jerusalem will become the central temple for all the three sons of Abraham namely the Jews, Christians and Muslims world-wide. Each of the three religious group will be represented by their respective religious heads according to the hierarchy of their Founders on a first-come-first serve basis. The list is as follows:
1.)Founder of Judaism was Moses to be represented by the head of the Jewish Rabbi in Israel taking the place of Aaron; Israel first High Priest
2) Founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ to be represented by the Pope to represent all the churches throughout the world who is taking the place of Apostle Peter the Rock on which the church was built beginning from the day of Pentecost and spreading throughout the globe.
3) Fonder of Islam was the Prophet Muhammed of Saudia Arabia, a descendant of Ishmael son of Abraham born by Haga the Egyptian maid making all Muslims throughout the globe having full right to take part in the blessing of Abraham through the covenant of circumcision of which God promised to be a God to Abraham and to all his descendants and shall be blessings to the rest of the world which must be implemented by King David irrespective of their individual religious briefs and doctrines.
Therefore all the sons of Abraham must surround the table of Abraham and dine together, worship together and rejoice together then the rivers of peace will flow among the sons of Abraham from Cape Town to Cairo and then to the Middle-east and then to the rest of the world; a blessing in the midst of the earth says the Lord (Gen. 17:1-end & Isa 19:20-end)
The end-time King David is to ensure that all three religious bodies involved in the building of the new temple and he shall be their administrative leader and spiritual head like in the days of Moses and Aaron the High Priest in the wilderness.
The form of worship in the temple will partially follow the Roman Catholic Order, Judaism and Islam.
A Harmonized holy book will be introduced which will include only portions of the scriptures that is in agreement both in the Holy Koran and that of the Holy Bible which will be published to serve as a guide for teaching and sermon both in the central temple in Cape Town and in all places of worship world-wide. The Harmonized holy book will be called "THE BOOK OF THE NEW COVENANT" which shall be kept in the ARK OF THE CONVENANT (Jer 31:31-34)
Each of the there religious leaders will address in their respective religious robs. The Jewish Rabbi will appear in the official Rob of Aaron, the First Priest of Isreal. The Pope will appear in his offcial rob according to the Roman catholic order. The biblical Prophet will dress in his prophetic rod similar to the Pope but should be made of hairy materials as the official rob of Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist. The hairy garment represents the hairy body and the garment of Esau which Jacob used to deceived his father Isaac and took his blessings since the Spirit of Jacob is the very spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist whose hairy garment he wears whenever he appear to be full-time prophet like Moses and Elijah in the end-times.
Each of these three religious leaders will have their various functions under the harmonized system of government worldwide. The workers in the temple will include all parties such as the Jews, Christians and Muslims on a rotational basis.
THE ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP OF GOD'S KINGDOM(MILITARY REGIME) The office of the three religious Leaders will remain permanent although individual religious group can make a change on who is to represent them in case of absence of the Leader or not being capable in his office while the end-time biblical prophet has the right to choose from among his members of his prophetic ministry who is to represent him in case of his absence as it was in the days of Elijah and Elisha and King David and King Solomon. The Rock of Jesus Prophetic Ministries represent the school of the prophets as it was in the days of prophet Elijah, Elisha and Prophet Samuel. Members are welcome from the JEWS, CHRISTAINS AND MUSLIMS WORLD-WIDE. The sons of the prophet represent the twelve Apostles and the 144000 virgin saints who are to work with the Lamb of God in heaven(Rev. 14:1-5 & 2nd Kings 2:15)
The military regime of God's kingdom was first introduced during the time of King David and the civilian regime was introduced during the time of King Solomon the very Son of God. During King David regime, the laws of God was put into force without compromise. Thus will the end-time regime of King David put the laws of the Lord into force and will rule the earth through the sons of Abraham with a rod of iron forcing both small and great to keep to the laws based on the New Covenant. Highly devoted religious Jews, Christians and Muslims will be used to form his government and to rule each nation beginning from the local level to the national level and to put those laws into force taking from the harmonized book of the covenant and King David is known as the Prince of the covenant as predicted in the book of Daniel (Daniel chapter 8)
There shall be no more kings and priest linage of Israel since Christ has died and by his blood he had made every faithful worshipper of the God of Abraham as priests and kings to rule the whole world beginning from the alter to the rest of the world. Thus king David was a servant of God who prepared all the material to be used in building God's house and a great psalmist who invented several musical instruments to be used in the house of God. Jesus Christ the Son of God is the High Priest and the Kings of Kings. Some of the sons of Abraham will serve as priest in their various places of worship and other to go into the government offices of all levels for the implementation and restoration of God's kingdom of God on earth prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The office of the three religious heads in the international headquarters that is Cape Town will remain permanent including the office of King David; but all other officers in the government both local, national and international level will be on a rotational basis with a given time frame e.g. three and half years each.
God kingdom programme commence from the year 2000. Only leaders of religious group be it a mosque, synagogue or church of the sons of Abraham that were established from 1999 and below will be considered to be included in the rotation list of the saints for government; religious group established from 2000 and above will not be considered unless they attached themselves to another old established religious organization as a branch.
The question as to who is to be the head, be it at the local level, national and international will be based on a first come first serve basis following the birthright of each organization formed. For example, the succession of Judas Iscariot was based on first- come- first serve basis taken into account those who started with them earlier with their Master Jesus from the Baptism of John(Acts 1:15-26). In the same manner the office of the three religious high priests of Judaism, Christianity and Islam were considered and were given the permanent positions being the pillar of the three topmost religious groups in the world ruling with the end-time King David forming his inner circle and cabinet.
During appointment, the day, month and year of each organization formed will be taken in consideration in order to determine the respective position of each religious group and to determine who among them will occupy the No 1 office, second office, third, fourth, fifth ect from local, national and international levels. There will be no voting into office but will be based on your performance in the service of the Lord and this will mark the beginning of your reward in the Kingdom of God as a priest and as a king.
In case there arise a dispute over date of establishment among two or three or more religious group within a region, then officers will be elected to conduct the casting of the Lot as the Apostles did to determine who is to replace Judas Iscariot. The elected officers will cast the lot from No 1 to end on any number based on how many they are and the offices available will be occupied accordingly by their respective numbers allocated
More details will be exposed as God's Kingdom master plan unfold as revealed to King David.
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details


Dear Reader, to enable you have an indebt information in respect of how some biblical saints who are not to face judgment unlike those sinners has to re-appear in carrying out other assignments in another flesh. Please click here below and read the information before you continue.
The Messiah returned to established his linage as "JUDAH" and became the son of Jacob his forerunner. Jacob addressed him as the Lion among his twelve sons who he said will bind his donkey unto the choicest branch on which he rod into Jerusalem as Zachriah also predicted using the donkey tied on the choicest branch which no one had seated upon(Gen. 49:8-12, Zec 9:9 and Mark 11:1-11).
The spirit of the Son of God known as the Messiah came as Judah the fourth son of Jacob who became the Root of David and as the Offspring of David; the root represent Judah; therefore he was the father as Judah the lion and King David was from this root. Therefore Messiah became the Root of David and as the Offspring of David as King Solomon the very Son of God.
God said to David through prophet Nathan, "I shall be to him a father and he shall be to me a Son and his Kingdom shall be established forever......" Therefore he became the promised Son of God. Moreover, King Solomon being the Son of God at that time was addressed as 'LORD' in the same manner all angels are addressed being the sons of God (Exodus 3:1-5); Therefore, Prophet Nathan said unto David, 'Moreover, the LORD(THE GOD OF ABRAHAM) declare to you that the LORD(king Solomon) will be build you a house(2 Sam 7:1-end and 2Chron 22:1-6). Please used the Reverse Standard Version, New International Version and other versions whose translation of 2nd Sam 7:11-17 is similar to the one of Revise Standard Version; other version also indicate, "Jehovah tells you the Jehovah will build you a house"; which is also correct; since all angels known as sons of God had no biological father and mother since there is no marriage in heaven instead they all bears all the names of God as their surname names and in most cases they are called directly by those names instead of their real names. To know about other translations of the bible place log on to
Therefore as regards King Solomon coming in the New Testament with the very official titles, prophet Isaiah also gave him the following titles when he said, For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, [b] Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. (Isa 9:6-7)
Also prophet Micah also predicted the coming of King Solomon the very Son of God of the house of David of whom he said his origin as a king is of old from accident days (Micah 5:2). He was assigned to take away the sins of the whole world as a precious Lamb without stain and this time he shall be born by a virgin quite unlike before in order to fulfill his destiny as a Son of God (Jer. 7:14 & Mat. Chapter 1-2)
But Israel did not understand the mystery behind the coming Son of God which was prophesied to King David of old when King Solomon again appeared in another flesh in an humble manner and prophet Zachriah recognized him as the accient king of Isreal thefore he said,
9 Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king [b] comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. (ZEC. 9:9)
While king David returned in another flesh in an humble manner as John the Baptist living in the wilderness eating wild locost and honey being the forerunner of the Son of God and being the very spirit of Elijah in another flesh and both Kings were killed by the Jews in Israel when they came for the assignment for the remission of sins; King David used the water of baptism for the remission of sin while King Solomon used his precious blood to cleans the world of the sins; thus they all died in that manner as it was written them in the books of the prophets. Here the book of Revelation chapter 11 refered to them as the two witnesses who died in Jerusalem to represent the coming of another two witnesses to use the powers of Moses and Elijah as implied.
Now king Solomon had his blame; God told king David, of the type of punishment the Son of God was to receive if he committed iniquity God said to David:
13"He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. 14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: 15 But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. 16 And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever. Therefore the word " Chasten with the rod of men and with the stripes of the sons of men' was used solely for the Son of God which Prophet Isaiah chapter 53 recalled being the very king Solomon of Old who was to come and face this punishment of bearing the sins of the whole world as a First Chosen Son of the sons of men and for his upliftment to a higher glory
Why was the Son of God punished to bear the sins of the whole world? Answers:
He did not live upto expectation as a choosen Son of God; he marry several foreign wives and above all, worshiped their gods; although God would have punished him immediately as he did to other wicked kings of old by making them fall into the hands of their enemies and be killed in one way or the other as an anger of God but none happened to him personally until his death because God had a special package of punishment for him by bearing the sins of the whole world(Job 34:10=12); therefore prophet Isaiah said; "He was reckoned with the transgressors", and although there was no sin in him "yet he will share his grave with the wicked" and the books of prophets said "for the soul that sinned shall die" "and him that is hung on the cross is accused of God". Having died for the sins of the world by shedding his precious blood, God now lifted him up to another higher glory far greater than when he appeared as King Solomon. Therefore King Solomon said "Now all power in heaven and in earth had been given unto me" after he resurrected from the death
King Solomon was called 'THE BELOVED OF THE LORD (JIDEIDAH) by King David his father; therefore during his baptism by his father at the Jordan, a voice came from heaving saying 'This my Beloved Son in whom I am well Pleased" reminding the father King David of the very promised Son of God so he did at the mount of transfiguration ( 2nd Sam 12: 24-25 Mat. 3:13-17)
Therefore some were baptized in the name of the father as John the Baptist(King David) and other in the name of the Son(King Solomon) and of the Holy Spirit from above (Mat 28:19-20, John 3:22-24 & Acts 19:1-7).
The Son of God also testified that among those that are born of women none is greater than Jon the Baptist and John is far more than a prophet although he Jesus did not want to tell them who exactly was John the Baptist but declared to them that he was the spirit of Elijah whom the Jews were expecting; but the truth is that John the Baptist was the very Archangel Michael being his second- in- command in the spiritual realm and the War Commander; so no one born by woman is greater than him except him the Messiah.
John the Baptist dined that he was the spirit of Elijah for the fact that at that time he was not sent to defend his office if he was ask to do some signs as Elijah; if he fails he will be regarded as a false prophet and many people will loose faith in him as a true prophet but Christ defended his title as the Messiah by performing several signs and wonders which John did not perform because that was not his mission but to prepare the way of the messiah but in the end-times he can defend his title through teachings and with biblical signs and wonders of the prophet Elijah and Moses.
The physical appearance of King Solomon in the New Testament as Jesus Christ the very Son of God will also determine the physical appearance of King David his father in the end-time for a full proof of their relationship as father and son. First prophet Samuel who anointed king David witnessed his appeace as recorded in the 2 Sam 16;
12 So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy(red coloured like a red Indian) with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, "(R)Arise, anoint him; for this is he." 13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. And Samuel arose and went to Ramah From the New American Standard Version
The key point to note is the beautiful eyes of David like a dove, and very handsome to look upon, and he was ruddy in color like a red Indian. Please you may use other versionS which also indicate the beautiful eyes, ruddy and handsomeness of King David. This is biblical description of David; so if David was to resurrect or to reborn he will still appear in this manner as to fulfill what is stated in the bible about him.
Now let us go to the his Son King Solomon to see if actually they look alike or not
Now king Solomon wrote the Songs of Solomon who in his song of love described how he look like in appearance who said;
10 "My beloved is white and ruddy, The chiefest among ten thousand. 11 His head is as the most fine gold; His locks are bushy, and black as a raven. 12 His eyes are like doves beside the water-brooks, Washed with milk, and fitly set. 13 His cheeks are as a bed of spices, As banks of sweet herbs: His lips are as lilies, dropping liquid myrrh. 14 His hands are as rings of gold set with beryl: His body is as ivory work overlaid with sapphires. 15 His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: His aspect is like Lebanon, excellent as the cedars. 16 His mouth is most sweet; Yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
From the American Standard vision Song of Solomon chapter 5:10-15 Here from verse 10, King Solomon was also very handsome(radiant or charming in appearance)was white and ruddy(red coloured like David) the locks of his hairs are bushy(which means he had long hairs like a womam and could be compared to Absolom his elder brother born of king David being the most handsome man in Isreal whom David loved so much and later died); hairs of King Solomon was as black as a raven; and he had beautiful eyes like a dove.
Here is the exact photgraph of Jesus Christ as described in the old testament which we all see him appeared in the New Testament. Therefore both father and son look alike since King Solomon being the very Son of God was born by the very king David himself. Even if King David appeared in black Africa as a Jew, he will appear in the same likeness of Jesus Christ the very King Solomon the choosen Son of God; and being his ancient biological son, they will resemle each other like father like son.
Therefore prophet Daniel described King David as the "Accient of Days" who was to restore the kingdom of God on earth and to fight the war of armegeddon and to whom shall he the Son of God descend from heaven with a cloud to meet on earth; the very Son of David who took over from him when King David was so old and full of many years which events will again take place in the end-times.(1Chron 23:1 & Dan, 7:9-13)
Prophet Goodnews had the same appearace of Jesus Christ: had beautiful eyes like a dove, although being an African Jew he is fair in complextion, tall as Jesus, having gap between his beard if he keeps it over grown like the gap between the beard of Jesus Christ. Each time he keeps his beard so over grown he will have the full picture of Jesus Christ on him and they will ask him why he looks like Jesus Christ while he is a black man but will only said that it is by co-incidence just as two people resemble and keeps the secret to himself who know who he was and what he has come to accomplished as the end-time King David appearing in another flesh whom they recognized as a prophet in Nigeria of national and international repute since in the 80s
Since king David was to restore the kingdom of God as a forerunner, he has to come through the tribe of Joseph in Africa on exile since Jesus Christ is coming from the tribe of Judah; and in God's Kingdom implementation plan, Joseph is always the forerunner to the Tribe of Judah since in the biblical days and his coming from the tribe of Joseph is to bring Judah and Joseph together being the two royal tribes in Israel as predicted in the book of Ezekiel chapter 37 about the resurrection of the dry bones Here are some of the biblical prophecies about the second coming of King David in the end-times: Isa 30:21-22, Psalms 2:1-end, 11:1-5, 42:1-5, Jer 30:8-9, Ezek. 34:23-24, 37:1-end imlied, Hosea 3:4-5 & Mal. 4:4-6.
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For the 2005 God's Kingdom Master Plan(End-Time Military regime of King David) click here below: About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details


"THE ONLY BEGOTTON SON OF GOD" is biblically a title and not judge on creation and birthright; in other words, God did not create any human or spiritual being first as his "ONLY BEGOTTON SON" but rather gives the title to whosoever that merit it. (Psalms 2:6-7)
The bible made us to understand that what God called "THE ONLY BEGOTTON SON" is called "THE WORD OF GOD" or "THE WISDOM OF GOD" being the beginning of God's creation whose could be referred to any person or spiritual being bearing this name as a title and not that the person or spiritual being bearing the title is the creator of the world or the universe but the very WORD OF GOD OR THE WORD OF WISDOM spoken from the mouth of God directly or through the prophets of God including Jesus Christ created the whole universe.
Therefore, for a witness, the end-time biblical prophet is called "WORD OF GOD OR GOSPEL OR GOOD NEWS" (who was called Goodnews like others unknown by his bilogical father to fulfill the prophecy) who is to fight the antichrist and the false prophet (Rev. 2:17 & 19:11-end) and not that he created the whole universe but he only bears that name as a title because he is the messenger of the WORD of God or the bearer of the WORD OF GOD like a woman with child in the womb; therefore, it is stated that "from his mouth issued out a sharp sword with which he will smite the nations and will rule them with a rod of iron"; the sharp word is the SPOKEN WORD which creates and not the person who spoke the word because he is a messenger of the word of God and the word is spirit; it has no form and shape but is the creating force of God; this forced is directly referred to as "The Son of God" being the by-product of the word of God.
The very word came through Moses, Prophet Mohammed and the rest of the prophets including our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the virgin Mary. The word of God is the way, the truth and the life and no man cometh to the father unless he follows and obey the words spoken from the mouths of the prophets not the person who spoke the word which could be faulty or guilty of sin in one way or the other like King Solomon, King David, Moses and the rest of the biblical prophets; for this reason, Jesus also came and baptized with the sinners confessing their sins at the River Jordan in order to fulfill all righteousness.
Yet, despite the sin of Moses, all the spoken word of God through him is not condemned in the bible who did not even reach the promised land; same as king David the author of the prophetic book of Psalms who was committed adultry and a murder same as King Solomon, the author of Songs of Solomon, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes an adulterer and the greatest polygamist in world history; yet all these prophets inspire of their sins, all their books they wrote are still intact in the holy bible which contain the word of God which is the way the truth and the life and not them that spoke the word including Jesus Christ who is titled "THE SON OF GOD". Therefore he instructed his disciples to observe all the teachings of the scribes sitting on Moses sit but should not follow their ways because they only teach but do not practice (Mat. 23:1-2)
Jesus said, the word I speak to you is spirit and life; thefore is the word of God that he teaches gives life likewise the rest of the prophets. On this note the WORD OF GOD is being personified as "Jesus" being the Messenger of the word. This spoken word full of Wisdom called "Jesus" was the first to be created by God from the beginning and not Jesus Christ himself personally as a spiritual being. Therefore both Wisdom and the Word was the first thing that God produced through which he created the whole universe including Jesus Christ and all other angels equally called SONS OF GOD" (JOB 1:1-5) Therefore King Solomon was addressed as the Wisdom first created by God before God created anything else as a title given to him being the First Son of God born by David( 2 Sam, 7:1-end & proverb 8:22-end); King Solomon who later appeared in the new Testament now called "Jesus" the very person entitled "SON OF GOD " also addressed himself as "WISDOM" (Mat. 11:19); this word now put on flesh and dwell among us as personified or as a symbol of the word of God which was in the beginning with God and all things were created by the spoken word of God and not Jesus Christ as a person or spiritual being (John Chapter 1:1-14)
Since the word of God was the First to be created as the first Son of God with which he created all things, therefore, whosoever that is ordained as a First Son of God to rule as a prince of God all others automatically bears this title not by the other of creation or birthright and not as blasphemy.
The genesis of the matter is that, there are four great archangels namely, first Archangel Lucifer who was addressed as the "First Son of God" by virtue of his position being the chief of all the angelic beings God ever created, seconded by the Messiah, thirdly the Archangel Michael and fourth the Archangel Gabriel and there are other angels lower in rank than them but this four are the greatest archangels that control the entire universe and are called the "Chief Princes" and the archangel Michael is addressed as one of the chief Princes(Daniel 10:13); Lucifer intended to occupy the throne of God making himself like the most high and refused to received instructions but to do according to his will as a result there was tribulation in heaven and Lucifer was cast to the earth with one third of the angels of God and the Messiah who was the Second-In-Command took over his position; the Messiah was the next wisest after Lucifer and was very meek and gentle as a lamb whose Second-In-Command is now the Archangel Michael the great warrior who always come with him as a forerunner while archangel Gabriel become their spiritual companion. Since the Messiah occupies that throne as a chief prince which Lucifer occupied they became great enemy; all his plan is to destroy all the good work of the Messiah and also to destroy the entire creatures of God while the Messiah came to save. Lucifer is being addressed as the "Prince of this world" which is controlling anything that is called "evil".
Thefore, the Messiah having occupied the highest seat as the chief prince and as the first Son of God was given the title "THE SON OF GOD OR THE RIGHTOUS ONE" and one who is to seat as the Chief Judge on the day of judgment which the daemons he cast out testified when he also appeared with the same title as the "Son of God" known as Jesus Christ.
Similarly, the president of a nation is known as the NO 1 citizen and the wife becomes the First Lady; they were addressed in that manner as a title by virtue of their offices and not by the order of creation or birthright; therefore, Joseph was addressed as the first son of Israel among his eleven brothers who was the governor of Egypt and not by his real birthright (1chron.5:2)
God promised to make King David his first born the highest of the kings of the earth, indicating King David leadership in the end-times(Psalms 89:19-28). Jesus also stated that, he conquared before he occupied his father's throne as the Chief Prince and as the the First Son of God so we shall also shall occupy his place if we also conquared(Rev. 3:21-22). Therefore the SONSHIP of Jesus is based on merit for the fact that he conquared and not by the order of creation or birthright
The name "JESUS" is covenanted to save the world from their sins which Lucifer came to destroy; therefore, being the First Son of God who fulfilled the covenant by shedding his precious blood on the cross of Calvary, the name becomes so powerful and becomes very effective to cast out demons and whosoever that call on this name "JESUS" with faith receive his or her miracle. This name belongs to the Chief Prince of the Father being entitled as the "FIRST SON OF GOD" among all the angels and all creatures both in heaven, on earth and under the earth HIS name is to be called "HOLY. THE SON OF GOD" as ANGEL GABRIEL EARLIER TOLD THE VIRGIN MARY BEARING THE SON OF GOD without a biological father(Mat.1: 18-20, Luke 1:1-ed & Rev. 5:1-end)
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details


Dear Reader, to enable you have an indebt information in respect of how some biblical saints who are not to face judgment unlike those sinners has to re-appear in carrying out other assignment in another flesh. Please click here below and read the information before you continue.
The nation of Israel and Ishmael were founded by two great Archangels; the Archangels Michael was the founder of the nation of Israel while the Archangel Gabriel was the founder of the nation of the Ishmaelites known as Saudi Arabia. Ishmael become the father of twevles princes same as Jacob became the father of the twelve tribes of Isreal
The spirit of Archangel Michael came as Jacob making Isreal a holy and peculiar nation who founded the house of God at bethel which is partly Islam and partly Judaism; who introduced the anointing oil and drink offering used in Judaism; and who introduced the setting up of a pillar to represent the house of God used in Islam.
From thece he became the founder of both Judiasm and Islam
Jacob vowed to build God's house could not at that time, vowed to pay his tithe but could not because had not build the house of God whose priests was to receive his tithes(Gen. 28:10-22 & 35:9-15)
Jacaob was blessed by Isaac his father to become the king of all nations but he did not, who put on the best garment and the body of Easu which was represented by his hairy garment because whenever he ministered as a full-time prophet such as prophet Elijah and John the Baptist(Gen. 27:15-29, 2 Kings 1:7-8 and Mat 3:4.
According to Prophet Isaiah, Jacob's new name was to be mentioned in his mother, s womb to become the voice of one caring in the wilderness saying "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his part straight" which fulfilled when he appeared as John the Baptist whose name was given to him from his mother's womb as prophet Isaiah predicted (Isa 49:1-6, 40:3-5. Luke 1:13-17) and who shall come as his duty to prepare the way(s) of the Lord even in the end-times as his forerunner(Luke 1:76-80 and Mal. 4:4-6)
Jacob returned as King David to fulfill his vows of building God's house he vowed at Bethel and to rule as a king according to his blessing from Isaac. Isaac said, 'Be lord over your brothers and your mothers sons bow to you...."(Gen. 27:26-29). Jacob had only one brother Esau and two of them were the only sons of Rebecca born by Isaac which did not fulfill at that time, but when he returned as King David, he was anointed as King David among his mother's sons who bowed to him as a King(1 Sam. 16:1-13).
As a King, he became very victorious in the battle field being the very spirit of Archangel Michael the great warrior. At this time, he was so financially and materially blessed as a king to implement the building of God's house he had vowed at bethel as psalms 32:1-10 implied referring to the time he vowed at bethel and not when he came as David(2 sam 7:1-end).
To begin his assignment, he captured Jerusalem on whose site the temple was to be built(2 chron 11:1-9); bought the temple land with a price(1chron 21:18-30); although was not permitted to build God's house he vowed being a man of war, provided large quantity of the materials to be used in building God's house and also mobilized all Israel contribute towards the project which he handed over to King Solomon his Son who was ordained to build the house of God; also provide musical instruments for prasises, built the choir like the heavenly choir and arrange the priests duties and other workers in the temple for King Solomon to implement before passed away in a good old age and full of many days who shall retun to the earth as the Accident of Days to fight the best and cast him into the fire and to whom the Son of Man shall descend with the clouds of heaven ( Dan. 7;9-13 , 1Chronicles chapter 23 to 29).
According to the books of the prophets, he is to come again in the end-time to build the third temple and to purify the sons of Levites who are now the sons of Abraham all over the world both of Isaac and Ishmael descendants(Hosea 3:4-5 and Mal 3:1-4).
Same Jacob returned as the prophet Elijah promised at mount Horeb by Moses(Deut. 18:15-16 and Mal. 4:4-6); same returned as prophet Jeremiah based on the promise at mount Horeb of whom Moses said, "the Lord will put his word in his mouth"( and during his time) any prophet who prophecy falsely that same prophet shall die" which came to pass during the time of Prophet Jeremiah and that false prophet was Hananiah ( Deut. 18:18-20, Jeremaih 1:1-10 chapter 28); to whom was giving the cup of God's wrath to be giving to all the nations of the world whose assignment he will accomplish in the end-times as one of the major prophets.
Who shall be given the last scroll containing all the prophecies of the prophets and was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings(Rev. 10:1-end) who shall use the combined prophetic powers of Moses and Elijah in the restoration of God's Kingdom on earth and through whom wrath of God will descend on earth, who shall be called "WORD OF GOD" to fight the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 11-end and 19:11-21)
Jesus said, "I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them so that they will heed to my voice and that they shall be one shepherd, one fold( John 10:16). The spirit of Archangel Michael known as Jacob was the prophet founder of the three holy religions, namely Judaism, Islam and Christianity beginning with baptism of water as John the Baptist who returned to Mount Horeb site known as Saudi Arabia and formed a new religion being a mixture of Judaism and Christainity called "Islam" whose name at that time was the Prophet Muhammad a descendant of Ishmael the son of Abraham for a fulfillment of the covenant of circumcision God made with Abraham, to be a God to the descendant of Ishmael and that of Isaac as an everlasting covenant(Genesis chapter 17:1-end);so that all Ishameal descendants and as many all over the world who embrace Islam will have his full share of God's blessings in his kingdom that will be established here on earth through the faithful sons of Abraham world-wide. Some of those accient prophets and priests include, Prophet Balaam and priest jetro who was Moses father-n-law all at Median near Mount Horeb in Sadui Arabia.
Evidently, Moses had a good knowlage of the God of Abraham through the Ishmaelites as a scholar who studied under Jethrow and who also adviced him on appointing elders to handling cases before God later approved the appointment and spiritual ordinations of the elders of Isreal in the Wildernes.
Therefore Prophet Isaiah predicted his arrival to dedicate the pillar to the Lord which he did at bethel; that pillar is found in Saudia Arabia the very site of mount sinia also known s mount Horeb; and that through this pillar all the Arab nations will worship one God with the Jews. In the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 19:19-end, the pillar located at the boarder of Egypt and the alter in the heart of Egypt was not found in Egypt but in Saudi Arabia the home country of Prophet Muhammad; Egypt was used as a symbol of the holy land being the home country of Hagar the Mother of Ishmael being the most civilized country in the ancient time. Therefore Prophet Mohammed being the very spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist was the promised prophet at mount Horeb in Saudi Arabia. According to the prophecy of Isaiah , he shall come from one of the northern countries of Israel as implied who religion will be related to facing the east where the sun rising in calling on the name of the Lord(Isa 41:25)
The biblical symbol of Ishmael is the bow and arrow; therefore the book of Revelation chapter 6:1-2 reveals a king wearing a crown handling a bow and arrow and went on conquering and conquering; therefore, like a wild ass like Ishmael with the bow and arrow, prophet Mohammed spread Islam across the globe under a religious warfare known as "Jihad" and whose zodiac sign is the appearance of the new moon represent the bow of Ishmael and the star represent the Archangel Gabriel(Gen 16:7-14, 17:1-end 21:1-21).
The key actors of the bible and the Koran are the Archangel Michael, Gabriel and the Messiah their leader. The principal two witnesses are Michael and Gabriel; when one is born the other remain as his guiding angels through visions and dreams.
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details


PROPHECY OF PROPHET GOODNEWS ADOLPHUS According to the end-time prophetic anointing of the Prophet Jeremiah the Levite on Exile as it was in the days of old: 

Thus the Lord, the God of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac in the remembrance of the everlasting covenant of circumcision to be a God to Ishmael descendants and to alos to be a God to Isaac descendants sons of Abraham. 

You are now occupying the seat of Aaron as Israel Chief Rabi; see I have placed you this day on an exalted office to teach and to rule; your former sacrifice for sins you offered to me is all over; you are a Priest to Israel and all Jews across the globe but now you a priest to every tribes, tongues and nations across the globe in God's Kingdom in the end-times as it was in the days of King David of old when Zodak was the High Priest. 

I will begin to sanctify your people by the blood of the lamb that was shed on the cross of Calvary; the very Lamb your fathers rejected and killed; I will use the very blood of the Lamb to sanctify your people; by the name of that Lamb called "Jesus" you will serve me as the Chief Priest and by this name I will redeem Israel, and by this name I will forgive all the former and present sins of your people and by this name I will remember the covenant I made with Abraham Ishmael and Isaac whose descendants I will bring together during the reign of my kingdom. 

For a fulfillment of this covenant, Abraham who came in the body of Simeon the father of all nations dedicated the Lamb in Jerusalem and Sarah his wife became the virgin Mary to fulfill her destiny as the QEEEN MOTHER OF ALL NATIONS(Genesis chapter 17 John 8:56 and Luke 2:25-40) Truly, the old Jerusalem in I sreal had been forsaken and desolated and I have given the holy site to the children of Ishmael who had built on it my sanctuary in which my name shall be called since Israel rejected the Lamb and defiled the holy site by shedding the innocent the blood of Lamb and the blood of the prophets (Jer. 22:1-5, Mat. 21:33-46 & 23:27-end) 

See Aaron, the whole world is mine; I can choose any city in the world as my New Jerusalem. The old Jerusalem is a temporary one which I gave to King David to build my temple from the hand of the Jebusites the former occupants which I have given back to them because the land had been defiled by the blood of the prophets but now I have shown to King David a New Jerusalem on which he will again the new temple before the second coming of the Lamb from heaven. 

This new Jerusalem is my permanents site comparable to the old Jerusalem, and even more beautiful than the old Jerusalem and very beautiful for situation to the joy of the whole world in the latter days which is described to prophet Zachariah as the new mount olive spiritually known as the new land of Israel as the visions implied on which land my savant David shall stand and fight in the great tribulation as he fights in the days of battle spiritually known as the Archangel Michael the Lord of war( being address as "LORD" since all angels had no surname but bear the names of God as sons of God) onto which King Solomon my choosen son(Zachraiah called the "The Lord my God" as his title) shall descend from heaven on the day of his return with the angels after the end of the tribulation just as it was in the days of King David and King Solomon the very Son of God who took over from David after David had ended all wars and when David was old and was full of many days(1Chronicles 23:1); this same event will repeat again in the end-times as was also shown to prophet Daniel who described King David as the "ACCIENT OF DAYS"(meaning one that is full of many days and very old as described in 1Chron. 23:1)and the son of man(King Solomon the very Son of God entitled)will descend from heaven with the clouds to meet with the father on earth in the end-times(Daniel 7:9-13) 

The new Jerusalem of King David is called "CAPE TOWN" in South Africa ORIGNALLY KNOWN AS "CAPE OF GOOD HOPE" of all nations. This is the land I spoke about through prophet Isaiah which shall come to pass in the later days; thus Prophet Isaiah said, 1 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan- 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death [a] a light has dawned (ISA 9:1-2). 

As the prophecy implied, the above prophecy partially fulfilled in the days of Christ the Lamb where many signs and wonders were performed along the costlines of Galilee where he also first appeared to his Apostles after his resurrection from the death but the prophecy is still refer to the end-times when another costlines whose country shall be inhabited by the Zebulun and Naphtali one of those Jews on exiles today known as the Afrikanas of South Africa also known as the "Borers" whose apartheid government oppressed the blacks majority for more than 300 years like the Jews in the ancient Egypt after which he brought them out to the promised land which is now the new democratic south Africa which comprise several races of the world. 

See, I have used your very people on exile to build South Africa being the representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel making it comparable to any advanced nation in the world according to my own taste in order to become the leading nation in the world like the ancient Babylon. In building my temple for King David and for you to minister as the Chief Priest, I do not need to import gold, silver and other precious stones unlike as I did to the former temple of King Solomon; I have them there in South Africa in abundance.

 See, Aaron the temple shall be built according to the standard laid down in the book of prophet Ezekiel in which only King David my Prince will bring in the Ark of the Covenant from the land of the palestines to be unveiled to the whole world just as I authorized him to do in the days of old from bringing the Ark from the Land of the philistine and from the house of Obendor after many years when it was captured by the philistine during the days of priest Eli. See Aaron, I have choose Africa the land of neglect, abused, regarded as the weakest continent. 

According to the prophecy of Isaiah implied, I the Lord will be a light to the end-times coastline Galilee of the nations and within the black continent of Africa I will receive my glory and not the land of the most regarded and the most advanced people on earth called "Advanced nations" and called the "SUPPER POWERS" l the Lord I am a defender of the weak against the strong ones as it was in the days of little King David and Goliath, Pharaoh and Moses, Gideon and the Medianites, Samson and the Philistines and I hid my mysteries from the wise, most educated, most intelligent and reveal to babies as I choose to teach them wisdom. 

See as the Chief Priest I have authorized you this day to coordinate all the constructions works required involving the two other priests known as the POPE of Rome and the highest Islamic priest of Saudi Arabia from the land of Prophet Mohammed the Son of Ishmael a direct descendant of Abraham.

You cannot prosper without involving them because it is a central temple to involve all the sons of Abraham and the river of peace will begin from Cape Town to Cairo and from there to the Middle East and then to the rest to the world as predicted in the books of the prophets; be warned! Furthermore, you and your two other priests should as well coordinate and compile list of existing mosques, churches and synagogue  and other religious Bodies world-wide taking into account the date of their establishment through whom God's kingdom will be formed and to start working on the harmonization of the two holy books - The bible and the Koran which Harmonized laws shall be put into force serving as the main constitution of God's kingdom as it was in the days of King David. 

You and you associate priests should interact with the respective governments and their agencies of this new development as to stop the voting into powers from president down to the local level of any nation. Any stubborn government will face my wrath but first deliver my message as a witness first and leave the rest for me as no manner of prayers and sacrifices will avert my wrath on those nations as predicted in the books of the prophets. 

More information will be made known to you are approved by the heavenly government above. You and your priess should not be discoraged by any vain word but be couragious like Moses and Aaron by taking all the sons of Abraham to the promised land which is God's Kingdom under the propheic guidiance of the end-time prophet Jeremiah the very spirit of King David and Elijah known as Prophet Goodnews Adolphus called "WORD OF GOD" Read the following links for more details.

 About the Author Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address