Wednesday, July 4, 2007


"THE ONLY BEGOTTON SON OF GOD" is biblically a title and not judge on creation and birthright; in other words, God did not create any human or spiritual being first as his "ONLY BEGOTTON SON" but rather gives the title to whosoever that merit it. (Psalms 2:6-7)
The bible made us to understand that what God called "THE ONLY BEGOTTON SON" is called "THE WORD OF GOD" or "THE WISDOM OF GOD" being the beginning of God's creation whose could be referred to any person or spiritual being bearing this name as a title and not that the person or spiritual being bearing the title is the creator of the world or the universe but the very WORD OF GOD OR THE WORD OF WISDOM spoken from the mouth of God directly or through the prophets of God including Jesus Christ created the whole universe.
Therefore, for a witness, the end-time biblical prophet is called "WORD OF GOD OR GOSPEL OR GOOD NEWS" (who was called Goodnews like others unknown by his bilogical father to fulfill the prophecy) who is to fight the antichrist and the false prophet (Rev. 2:17 & 19:11-end) and not that he created the whole universe but he only bears that name as a title because he is the messenger of the WORD of God or the bearer of the WORD OF GOD like a woman with child in the womb; therefore, it is stated that "from his mouth issued out a sharp sword with which he will smite the nations and will rule them with a rod of iron"; the sharp word is the SPOKEN WORD which creates and not the person who spoke the word because he is a messenger of the word of God and the word is spirit; it has no form and shape but is the creating force of God; this forced is directly referred to as "The Son of God" being the by-product of the word of God.
The very word came through Moses, Prophet Mohammed and the rest of the prophets including our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the virgin Mary. The word of God is the way, the truth and the life and no man cometh to the father unless he follows and obey the words spoken from the mouths of the prophets not the person who spoke the word which could be faulty or guilty of sin in one way or the other like King Solomon, King David, Moses and the rest of the biblical prophets; for this reason, Jesus also came and baptized with the sinners confessing their sins at the River Jordan in order to fulfill all righteousness.
Yet, despite the sin of Moses, all the spoken word of God through him is not condemned in the bible who did not even reach the promised land; same as king David the author of the prophetic book of Psalms who was committed adultry and a murder same as King Solomon, the author of Songs of Solomon, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes an adulterer and the greatest polygamist in world history; yet all these prophets inspire of their sins, all their books they wrote are still intact in the holy bible which contain the word of God which is the way the truth and the life and not them that spoke the word including Jesus Christ who is titled "THE SON OF GOD". Therefore he instructed his disciples to observe all the teachings of the scribes sitting on Moses sit but should not follow their ways because they only teach but do not practice (Mat. 23:1-2)
Jesus said, the word I speak to you is spirit and life; thefore is the word of God that he teaches gives life likewise the rest of the prophets. On this note the WORD OF GOD is being personified as "Jesus" being the Messenger of the word. This spoken word full of Wisdom called "Jesus" was the first to be created by God from the beginning and not Jesus Christ himself personally as a spiritual being. Therefore both Wisdom and the Word was the first thing that God produced through which he created the whole universe including Jesus Christ and all other angels equally called SONS OF GOD" (JOB 1:1-5) Therefore King Solomon was addressed as the Wisdom first created by God before God created anything else as a title given to him being the First Son of God born by David( 2 Sam, 7:1-end & proverb 8:22-end); King Solomon who later appeared in the new Testament now called "Jesus" the very person entitled "SON OF GOD " also addressed himself as "WISDOM" (Mat. 11:19); this word now put on flesh and dwell among us as personified or as a symbol of the word of God which was in the beginning with God and all things were created by the spoken word of God and not Jesus Christ as a person or spiritual being (John Chapter 1:1-14)
Since the word of God was the First to be created as the first Son of God with which he created all things, therefore, whosoever that is ordained as a First Son of God to rule as a prince of God all others automatically bears this title not by the other of creation or birthright and not as blasphemy.
The genesis of the matter is that, there are four great archangels namely, first Archangel Lucifer who was addressed as the "First Son of God" by virtue of his position being the chief of all the angelic beings God ever created, seconded by the Messiah, thirdly the Archangel Michael and fourth the Archangel Gabriel and there are other angels lower in rank than them but this four are the greatest archangels that control the entire universe and are called the "Chief Princes" and the archangel Michael is addressed as one of the chief Princes(Daniel 10:13); Lucifer intended to occupy the throne of God making himself like the most high and refused to received instructions but to do according to his will as a result there was tribulation in heaven and Lucifer was cast to the earth with one third of the angels of God and the Messiah who was the Second-In-Command took over his position; the Messiah was the next wisest after Lucifer and was very meek and gentle as a lamb whose Second-In-Command is now the Archangel Michael the great warrior who always come with him as a forerunner while archangel Gabriel become their spiritual companion. Since the Messiah occupies that throne as a chief prince which Lucifer occupied they became great enemy; all his plan is to destroy all the good work of the Messiah and also to destroy the entire creatures of God while the Messiah came to save. Lucifer is being addressed as the "Prince of this world" which is controlling anything that is called "evil".
Thefore, the Messiah having occupied the highest seat as the chief prince and as the first Son of God was given the title "THE SON OF GOD OR THE RIGHTOUS ONE" and one who is to seat as the Chief Judge on the day of judgment which the daemons he cast out testified when he also appeared with the same title as the "Son of God" known as Jesus Christ.
Similarly, the president of a nation is known as the NO 1 citizen and the wife becomes the First Lady; they were addressed in that manner as a title by virtue of their offices and not by the order of creation or birthright; therefore, Joseph was addressed as the first son of Israel among his eleven brothers who was the governor of Egypt and not by his real birthright (1chron.5:2)
God promised to make King David his first born the highest of the kings of the earth, indicating King David leadership in the end-times(Psalms 89:19-28). Jesus also stated that, he conquared before he occupied his father's throne as the Chief Prince and as the the First Son of God so we shall also shall occupy his place if we also conquared(Rev. 3:21-22). Therefore the SONSHIP of Jesus is based on merit for the fact that he conquared and not by the order of creation or birthright
The name "JESUS" is covenanted to save the world from their sins which Lucifer came to destroy; therefore, being the First Son of God who fulfilled the covenant by shedding his precious blood on the cross of Calvary, the name becomes so powerful and becomes very effective to cast out demons and whosoever that call on this name "JESUS" with faith receive his or her miracle. This name belongs to the Chief Prince of the Father being entitled as the "FIRST SON OF GOD" among all the angels and all creatures both in heaven, on earth and under the earth HIS name is to be called "HOLY. THE SON OF GOD" as ANGEL GABRIEL EARLIER TOLD THE VIRGIN MARY BEARING THE SON OF GOD without a biological father(Mat.1: 18-20, Luke 1:1-ed & Rev. 5:1-end)
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details

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