Wednesday, July 4, 2007


PROPHECY OF PROPHET GOODNEWS ADOLPHUS According to the end-time prophetic anointing of the Prophet Jeremiah the Levite on Exile as it was in the days of old: 

Thus the Lord, the God of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac in the remembrance of the everlasting covenant of circumcision to be a God to Ishmael descendants and to alos to be a God to Isaac descendants sons of Abraham. 

You are now occupying the seat of Aaron as Israel Chief Rabi; see I have placed you this day on an exalted office to teach and to rule; your former sacrifice for sins you offered to me is all over; you are a Priest to Israel and all Jews across the globe but now you a priest to every tribes, tongues and nations across the globe in God's Kingdom in the end-times as it was in the days of King David of old when Zodak was the High Priest. 

I will begin to sanctify your people by the blood of the lamb that was shed on the cross of Calvary; the very Lamb your fathers rejected and killed; I will use the very blood of the Lamb to sanctify your people; by the name of that Lamb called "Jesus" you will serve me as the Chief Priest and by this name I will redeem Israel, and by this name I will forgive all the former and present sins of your people and by this name I will remember the covenant I made with Abraham Ishmael and Isaac whose descendants I will bring together during the reign of my kingdom. 

For a fulfillment of this covenant, Abraham who came in the body of Simeon the father of all nations dedicated the Lamb in Jerusalem and Sarah his wife became the virgin Mary to fulfill her destiny as the QEEEN MOTHER OF ALL NATIONS(Genesis chapter 17 John 8:56 and Luke 2:25-40) Truly, the old Jerusalem in I sreal had been forsaken and desolated and I have given the holy site to the children of Ishmael who had built on it my sanctuary in which my name shall be called since Israel rejected the Lamb and defiled the holy site by shedding the innocent the blood of Lamb and the blood of the prophets (Jer. 22:1-5, Mat. 21:33-46 & 23:27-end) 

See Aaron, the whole world is mine; I can choose any city in the world as my New Jerusalem. The old Jerusalem is a temporary one which I gave to King David to build my temple from the hand of the Jebusites the former occupants which I have given back to them because the land had been defiled by the blood of the prophets but now I have shown to King David a New Jerusalem on which he will again the new temple before the second coming of the Lamb from heaven. 

This new Jerusalem is my permanents site comparable to the old Jerusalem, and even more beautiful than the old Jerusalem and very beautiful for situation to the joy of the whole world in the latter days which is described to prophet Zachariah as the new mount olive spiritually known as the new land of Israel as the visions implied on which land my savant David shall stand and fight in the great tribulation as he fights in the days of battle spiritually known as the Archangel Michael the Lord of war( being address as "LORD" since all angels had no surname but bear the names of God as sons of God) onto which King Solomon my choosen son(Zachraiah called the "The Lord my God" as his title) shall descend from heaven on the day of his return with the angels after the end of the tribulation just as it was in the days of King David and King Solomon the very Son of God who took over from David after David had ended all wars and when David was old and was full of many days(1Chronicles 23:1); this same event will repeat again in the end-times as was also shown to prophet Daniel who described King David as the "ACCIENT OF DAYS"(meaning one that is full of many days and very old as described in 1Chron. 23:1)and the son of man(King Solomon the very Son of God entitled)will descend from heaven with the clouds to meet with the father on earth in the end-times(Daniel 7:9-13) 

The new Jerusalem of King David is called "CAPE TOWN" in South Africa ORIGNALLY KNOWN AS "CAPE OF GOOD HOPE" of all nations. This is the land I spoke about through prophet Isaiah which shall come to pass in the later days; thus Prophet Isaiah said, 1 Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the Gentiles, by the way of the sea, along the Jordan- 2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death [a] a light has dawned (ISA 9:1-2). 

As the prophecy implied, the above prophecy partially fulfilled in the days of Christ the Lamb where many signs and wonders were performed along the costlines of Galilee where he also first appeared to his Apostles after his resurrection from the death but the prophecy is still refer to the end-times when another costlines whose country shall be inhabited by the Zebulun and Naphtali one of those Jews on exiles today known as the Afrikanas of South Africa also known as the "Borers" whose apartheid government oppressed the blacks majority for more than 300 years like the Jews in the ancient Egypt after which he brought them out to the promised land which is now the new democratic south Africa which comprise several races of the world. 

See, I have used your very people on exile to build South Africa being the representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel making it comparable to any advanced nation in the world according to my own taste in order to become the leading nation in the world like the ancient Babylon. In building my temple for King David and for you to minister as the Chief Priest, I do not need to import gold, silver and other precious stones unlike as I did to the former temple of King Solomon; I have them there in South Africa in abundance.

 See, Aaron the temple shall be built according to the standard laid down in the book of prophet Ezekiel in which only King David my Prince will bring in the Ark of the Covenant from the land of the palestines to be unveiled to the whole world just as I authorized him to do in the days of old from bringing the Ark from the Land of the philistine and from the house of Obendor after many years when it was captured by the philistine during the days of priest Eli. See Aaron, I have choose Africa the land of neglect, abused, regarded as the weakest continent. 

According to the prophecy of Isaiah implied, I the Lord will be a light to the end-times coastline Galilee of the nations and within the black continent of Africa I will receive my glory and not the land of the most regarded and the most advanced people on earth called "Advanced nations" and called the "SUPPER POWERS" l the Lord I am a defender of the weak against the strong ones as it was in the days of little King David and Goliath, Pharaoh and Moses, Gideon and the Medianites, Samson and the Philistines and I hid my mysteries from the wise, most educated, most intelligent and reveal to babies as I choose to teach them wisdom. 

See as the Chief Priest I have authorized you this day to coordinate all the constructions works required involving the two other priests known as the POPE of Rome and the highest Islamic priest of Saudi Arabia from the land of Prophet Mohammed the Son of Ishmael a direct descendant of Abraham.

You cannot prosper without involving them because it is a central temple to involve all the sons of Abraham and the river of peace will begin from Cape Town to Cairo and from there to the Middle East and then to the rest to the world as predicted in the books of the prophets; be warned! Furthermore, you and your two other priests should as well coordinate and compile list of existing mosques, churches and synagogue  and other religious Bodies world-wide taking into account the date of their establishment through whom God's kingdom will be formed and to start working on the harmonization of the two holy books - The bible and the Koran which Harmonized laws shall be put into force serving as the main constitution of God's kingdom as it was in the days of King David. 

You and you associate priests should interact with the respective governments and their agencies of this new development as to stop the voting into powers from president down to the local level of any nation. Any stubborn government will face my wrath but first deliver my message as a witness first and leave the rest for me as no manner of prayers and sacrifices will avert my wrath on those nations as predicted in the books of the prophets. 

More information will be made known to you are approved by the heavenly government above. You and your priess should not be discoraged by any vain word but be couragious like Moses and Aaron by taking all the sons of Abraham to the promised land which is God's Kingdom under the propheic guidiance of the end-time prophet Jeremiah the very spirit of King David and Elijah known as Prophet Goodnews Adolphus called "WORD OF GOD" Read the following links for more details.

 About the Author Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address

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