Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Hebrew chapter 9:27 states "It is appointed onto men once to die and after that the judgment". The big question is, does the righteous too face the judgment? Jesus Christ, the chief Judge on the day of judgment says, " Truly, truly I say unto you, he who hear my words and believe him who sent me has eternal life; he does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life" (John 5:22-24). Lazarus upon death did not come into judgment but passed from death to life. Angels took his spirit to heaven and rest in the bosom of Abraham. So he was not judged. ( Luke 16:19-31)
Roman chapter 8:1 states that there is therefore now no condemnation unto them that are in Christ Jesus Those that were slain for the testimony of Jesus are before the alter of God in heaven(Rev. 6:9-11). During the second coming of Jesus Christ, known as the rapture, the death in Christ shall rise up first and be caught up together with the living to meet the Lord in the sky (1thes 4:1-end)
Jesus said unto the robber on the cross, " Truly I say unto you today shall thou be with me in paradise". He did not come into judgment but went directly to paradise"( Luke 23:43).
In Revelation chapter 20:1-4, the death in Christ resurrected and sat on thrones to judge and not to be judged.
As required in this world only a law breaker should be arrested by a law enforcement agency; first the law breaker has to be tried in court and if found guilty, will be sentenced to prison or be condemned to death as required by the law. The very procedure is also applicable to all those who died as sinners, In the book of Isaiah chapter 24:21-22 it is stated that on the coming day of judgment, some lawbreakers shall be put to prison and later be judged
In Revelation chapter 20:1-end, those law barkers who did not resurrect during the resurrection of the saints later resurrected and appeared before the great white throne judgment and were judged according the what is written in the books and if anyone's name is not found written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire which is the second death.
Now in the case of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich man being a lawbreaker found himself in the lake of fire as a judgment.
Thefore Hebrew 9:27 should be re-written as, It is appointed unto sinners to die once and after that the judgment" and not to include all men. This will go in line with all the prophecies both in the old and New Testament backing the re-appearance of the biblical prophets as saints who are free from judgment and fulfilling various assignments from one generation to another.
Apart from the prophetic book of Revelation, any scriptures written by the Apostles of the New Testament that is not in line with the Old Tastament scriptures including those that are written in the four synoptic gospel of Jesus Christ (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) should be corrected in subsequent re-prints by the translators of each version as the end-time biblical scroll reveals and correct some of these errors both in the old and the new testament scriptures.
The argument as regards re-incarnation stated in the days of the Apostles as some false preachers and prophets of certain religious organization taught that a sinner must die and re-incarnate several times until he come to perfection as is being argue even in this modern days by those very ancient false religions. That is why Hebrew 9:27 counter that all men die ones and after that the judgment which is quite contrary to the fulfillment of the biblical prophecies in respect of the re-appearance of certain biblical saints who are totally free from judgment whose spirits put on another flesh to perform the same or similar assignment as God's faithful messengers. For example, the two messengers, Elijah and Moses revealed to re-appear in the end-times according to Revelation chapter 11 who were born by women and to be reborn .
The spirit of Abraham re-appeared in the body of Simeon who was told that he will not see death until he had seen the Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah and of whom the Messiah said to the Jews that, Abraham saw him and was glad ( John 8:56 ). The spirit of Elijah returned in the flesh of John the Baptist; thefore John the Baptist was the Elijah in another flesh as Jesus testified(Luke 1:13-17 and Mat. 11:7-15)
The body of a man dies and return to the earth and becomes dust because from the dust it was formed but the spirit in the man either goes to the place of punishment., awaiting trial ect if he dies as a sinner or to God in paradise if he dies as a saint.
The body of the man is like a container and the spirit is the content. This content can be emptied into any other container; but the quality of the container may not be exactly like the first container but the content is the same like the first container. Certain product we buy in the market could have the same taste but the container could be re-designed differently and even made of higher quality all to attract the buyer.
So is the body of the man containing the spirit. The body bearing the spirit could be made of different races, cultural background, from one generation to another which may confuse you unless you have the spiritual eye to recognize it but the taste is the same as the original. The same spirit could come with a new message for a different assignment as already predicted.
More of these mysteries will be revealed in my articles on the end-time events.
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details

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