Wednesday, July 4, 2007


The Ark of the Covenant was first introduced during the time of Moses in the wilderness which contained the ten commandment. The glory of the Lord rested on the Ark and Moses heared the voice of the Lord above the Ark of the Lord. Only the Levitical priests were allowed to carry the ark and none Levites were killed. The Ark was a symbol of the covenant God made with the people of Isreal sealed by the blood of animal(Exodus chapter 24)
Since the blood of animal cannot take away sin, Jesus came and shed his blood on the cross as the last Lamb which sealed off all sacrifice of sins performed by the Levitical priests of old as Jesus testified(Mat 5;17-20 & Hebrew chapter 5 to 7)
There are several sacrifices but only one that Jesus had finally fulfilled by using his blood; that is any sacrifice requiring killing of animal to shed the blood for whatsoever purpose will not be used in the new temple of Ezekiel. This did not include vowing, tithings, burning of candels and incense manufactured and produced from the right source as prescribed by Moses including the use of the seven candle stand.
This forms of sacrifices and offering will continue for the fact that Jesus had not yet personally reside with us on earth as the temple; this will continue from the building of the temple and throughout the military regime of God's kingdom. Therefore in the book of Revelation, after Jesus had shed his blood on the cross, incense burning upon the alters in the temple still continue even in heaven as was shown to Apostle John including the unvailing of the Ark of the Convenant that was lost and found and shew the Lamb being slain for the last sacrifice for sins who was worthy to open the scroll sealed with seven seals having shed his blood (Rev. 5:1-10, 6:9-11, 8:1-5, 11:15-19, 14:15-17 & 15:5-8) The Lord will creat a new heaven and a new earth and the new Jerusalam will descend from heaven and will land in Isreal on whose foundation the names of the twelve Apostles were written and the names of the twelve tribes of Isreal were written each on the gates of twelve. Then John said, "I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it and they shall see his face and his name shall be written on them and nothing unclean gets into it(Rev. chapter 21-22). At this point since there is no temple, all form of sacrifices cease.
The wilderness congregation of Isreal was controlled by the Ark of the covenant and the manifestation of the pillar of cloud and fire which the people of Isreal saw during the time of Moses. The second Moses which is Jesus Christ has come and ended up the sacrifice of sin and has gone into heaven. The present pillar of clouds and fire is the holy spirit now leading the saints of Abraham which descended on the day of Pentecost performing great signs and wonders such has healing, deliverance, miracles ect beginning from the days of the Apostles known as the pentescoal envegelical force sweeping across the entire globe preparing people for the kingdom of God that was to take place as a continuation of the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ but were not given the authority to restore God's kingdom just like the first ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ who only came to prepare workers for the kingdom of God that was to take place. However, the power to restore the kingdom is given to the end-time biblical prophet who is assign to restore all things including God's kingdom so that this people takes over the government of the whole world and rule putting the laws of God into force as a period of implementation and restoration as prophet Malachi predicted about the coming of the prophet Elijah who is also the very spirit of King David in the end-times. There are several prophecies about the second coming of King David in his exact appearance and likeness since King Solomon was the very Son of God whose spirit came as Jesus Christ as the Messiah to die for the remission of sins while King David was the deputy Messiah who came as John the Baptist. Now if even King David re-appear in Africa he will still resemble Jesus Christ as father and Son resemble. The apparace of King Solomon was described in the Old Testament who appeared in the same manner as the very Son of God including that of King David his father who is the very Accident of days as a forerunner and as the king of war
King David his father looked like Jesus Christ in physical appearance even in the flesh of the blacks for a proof of their biblical identity. Do not worry you will see his photograph looking like black Jesus who emerged from Joseph tribe on exile as a forerunner tribe to Judah since Jesus Christ is of the tribe of Judah.
King David emergence on exile implied the bringing together of the tribe of Judah and Joseph predicted in the books of the prophets. From this point on I using the biblical name "KING DAVID" whose re-appearace in the end-time was predicted by several biblical prophets being the most powerful king of Israel of old who shall fight the war Armageddon in the end-time. Watch out for the photographs with full biblical facts and proofs as you are going from theory to practical and please read the articles on re-incarnation of the bibilical saints. click below
The temple of Ezekiel to be built in Cape Town, known as the New Jerusalem will become the central temple for all the three sons of Abraham namely the Jews, Christians and Muslims world-wide. Each of the three religious group will be represented by their respective religious heads according to the hierarchy of their Founders on a first-come-first serve basis. The list is as follows:
1.)Founder of Judaism was Moses to be represented by the head of the Jewish Rabbi in Israel taking the place of Aaron; Israel first High Priest
2) Founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ to be represented by the Pope to represent all the churches throughout the world who is taking the place of Apostle Peter the Rock on which the church was built beginning from the day of Pentecost and spreading throughout the globe.
3) Fonder of Islam was the Prophet Muhammed of Saudia Arabia, a descendant of Ishmael son of Abraham born by Haga the Egyptian maid making all Muslims throughout the globe having full right to take part in the blessing of Abraham through the covenant of circumcision of which God promised to be a God to Abraham and to all his descendants and shall be blessings to the rest of the world which must be implemented by King David irrespective of their individual religious briefs and doctrines.
Therefore all the sons of Abraham must surround the table of Abraham and dine together, worship together and rejoice together then the rivers of peace will flow among the sons of Abraham from Cape Town to Cairo and then to the Middle-east and then to the rest of the world; a blessing in the midst of the earth says the Lord (Gen. 17:1-end & Isa 19:20-end)
The end-time King David is to ensure that all three religious bodies involved in the building of the new temple and he shall be their administrative leader and spiritual head like in the days of Moses and Aaron the High Priest in the wilderness.
The form of worship in the temple will partially follow the Roman Catholic Order, Judaism and Islam.
A Harmonized holy book will be introduced which will include only portions of the scriptures that is in agreement both in the Holy Koran and that of the Holy Bible which will be published to serve as a guide for teaching and sermon both in the central temple in Cape Town and in all places of worship world-wide. The Harmonized holy book will be called "THE BOOK OF THE NEW COVENANT" which shall be kept in the ARK OF THE CONVENANT (Jer 31:31-34)
Each of the there religious leaders will address in their respective religious robs. The Jewish Rabbi will appear in the official Rob of Aaron, the First Priest of Isreal. The Pope will appear in his offcial rob according to the Roman catholic order. The biblical Prophet will dress in his prophetic rod similar to the Pope but should be made of hairy materials as the official rob of Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist. The hairy garment represents the hairy body and the garment of Esau which Jacob used to deceived his father Isaac and took his blessings since the Spirit of Jacob is the very spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist whose hairy garment he wears whenever he appear to be full-time prophet like Moses and Elijah in the end-times.
Each of these three religious leaders will have their various functions under the harmonized system of government worldwide. The workers in the temple will include all parties such as the Jews, Christians and Muslims on a rotational basis.
THE ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP OF GOD'S KINGDOM(MILITARY REGIME) The office of the three religious Leaders will remain permanent although individual religious group can make a change on who is to represent them in case of absence of the Leader or not being capable in his office while the end-time biblical prophet has the right to choose from among his members of his prophetic ministry who is to represent him in case of his absence as it was in the days of Elijah and Elisha and King David and King Solomon. The Rock of Jesus Prophetic Ministries represent the school of the prophets as it was in the days of prophet Elijah, Elisha and Prophet Samuel. Members are welcome from the JEWS, CHRISTAINS AND MUSLIMS WORLD-WIDE. The sons of the prophet represent the twelve Apostles and the 144000 virgin saints who are to work with the Lamb of God in heaven(Rev. 14:1-5 & 2nd Kings 2:15)
The military regime of God's kingdom was first introduced during the time of King David and the civilian regime was introduced during the time of King Solomon the very Son of God. During King David regime, the laws of God was put into force without compromise. Thus will the end-time regime of King David put the laws of the Lord into force and will rule the earth through the sons of Abraham with a rod of iron forcing both small and great to keep to the laws based on the New Covenant. Highly devoted religious Jews, Christians and Muslims will be used to form his government and to rule each nation beginning from the local level to the national level and to put those laws into force taking from the harmonized book of the covenant and King David is known as the Prince of the covenant as predicted in the book of Daniel (Daniel chapter 8)
There shall be no more kings and priest linage of Israel since Christ has died and by his blood he had made every faithful worshipper of the God of Abraham as priests and kings to rule the whole world beginning from the alter to the rest of the world. Thus king David was a servant of God who prepared all the material to be used in building God's house and a great psalmist who invented several musical instruments to be used in the house of God. Jesus Christ the Son of God is the High Priest and the Kings of Kings. Some of the sons of Abraham will serve as priest in their various places of worship and other to go into the government offices of all levels for the implementation and restoration of God's kingdom of God on earth prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The office of the three religious heads in the international headquarters that is Cape Town will remain permanent including the office of King David; but all other officers in the government both local, national and international level will be on a rotational basis with a given time frame e.g. three and half years each.
God kingdom programme commence from the year 2000. Only leaders of religious group be it a mosque, synagogue or church of the sons of Abraham that were established from 1999 and below will be considered to be included in the rotation list of the saints for government; religious group established from 2000 and above will not be considered unless they attached themselves to another old established religious organization as a branch.
The question as to who is to be the head, be it at the local level, national and international will be based on a first come first serve basis following the birthright of each organization formed. For example, the succession of Judas Iscariot was based on first- come- first serve basis taken into account those who started with them earlier with their Master Jesus from the Baptism of John(Acts 1:15-26). In the same manner the office of the three religious high priests of Judaism, Christianity and Islam were considered and were given the permanent positions being the pillar of the three topmost religious groups in the world ruling with the end-time King David forming his inner circle and cabinet.
During appointment, the day, month and year of each organization formed will be taken in consideration in order to determine the respective position of each religious group and to determine who among them will occupy the No 1 office, second office, third, fourth, fifth ect from local, national and international levels. There will be no voting into office but will be based on your performance in the service of the Lord and this will mark the beginning of your reward in the Kingdom of God as a priest and as a king.
In case there arise a dispute over date of establishment among two or three or more religious group within a region, then officers will be elected to conduct the casting of the Lot as the Apostles did to determine who is to replace Judas Iscariot. The elected officers will cast the lot from No 1 to end on any number based on how many they are and the offices available will be occupied accordingly by their respective numbers allocated
More details will be exposed as God's Kingdom master plan unfold as revealed to King David.
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details

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