Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Dear Reader, to enable you have an indebt information in respect of how some biblical saints who are not to face judgment unlike those sinners has to re-appear in carrying out other assignment in another flesh. Please click here below and read the information before you continue.
The nation of Israel and Ishmael were founded by two great Archangels; the Archangels Michael was the founder of the nation of Israel while the Archangel Gabriel was the founder of the nation of the Ishmaelites known as Saudi Arabia. Ishmael become the father of twevles princes same as Jacob became the father of the twelve tribes of Isreal
The spirit of Archangel Michael came as Jacob making Isreal a holy and peculiar nation who founded the house of God at bethel which is partly Islam and partly Judaism; who introduced the anointing oil and drink offering used in Judaism; and who introduced the setting up of a pillar to represent the house of God used in Islam.
From thece he became the founder of both Judiasm and Islam
Jacob vowed to build God's house could not at that time, vowed to pay his tithe but could not because had not build the house of God whose priests was to receive his tithes(Gen. 28:10-22 & 35:9-15)
Jacaob was blessed by Isaac his father to become the king of all nations but he did not, who put on the best garment and the body of Easu which was represented by his hairy garment because whenever he ministered as a full-time prophet such as prophet Elijah and John the Baptist(Gen. 27:15-29, 2 Kings 1:7-8 and Mat 3:4.
According to Prophet Isaiah, Jacob's new name was to be mentioned in his mother, s womb to become the voice of one caring in the wilderness saying "prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his part straight" which fulfilled when he appeared as John the Baptist whose name was given to him from his mother's womb as prophet Isaiah predicted (Isa 49:1-6, 40:3-5. Luke 1:13-17) and who shall come as his duty to prepare the way(s) of the Lord even in the end-times as his forerunner(Luke 1:76-80 and Mal. 4:4-6)
Jacob returned as King David to fulfill his vows of building God's house he vowed at Bethel and to rule as a king according to his blessing from Isaac. Isaac said, 'Be lord over your brothers and your mothers sons bow to you...."(Gen. 27:26-29). Jacob had only one brother Esau and two of them were the only sons of Rebecca born by Isaac which did not fulfill at that time, but when he returned as King David, he was anointed as King David among his mother's sons who bowed to him as a King(1 Sam. 16:1-13).
As a King, he became very victorious in the battle field being the very spirit of Archangel Michael the great warrior. At this time, he was so financially and materially blessed as a king to implement the building of God's house he had vowed at bethel as psalms 32:1-10 implied referring to the time he vowed at bethel and not when he came as David(2 sam 7:1-end).
To begin his assignment, he captured Jerusalem on whose site the temple was to be built(2 chron 11:1-9); bought the temple land with a price(1chron 21:18-30); although was not permitted to build God's house he vowed being a man of war, provided large quantity of the materials to be used in building God's house and also mobilized all Israel contribute towards the project which he handed over to King Solomon his Son who was ordained to build the house of God; also provide musical instruments for prasises, built the choir like the heavenly choir and arrange the priests duties and other workers in the temple for King Solomon to implement before passed away in a good old age and full of many days who shall retun to the earth as the Accident of Days to fight the best and cast him into the fire and to whom the Son of Man shall descend with the clouds of heaven ( Dan. 7;9-13 , 1Chronicles chapter 23 to 29).
According to the books of the prophets, he is to come again in the end-time to build the third temple and to purify the sons of Levites who are now the sons of Abraham all over the world both of Isaac and Ishmael descendants(Hosea 3:4-5 and Mal 3:1-4).
Same Jacob returned as the prophet Elijah promised at mount Horeb by Moses(Deut. 18:15-16 and Mal. 4:4-6); same returned as prophet Jeremiah based on the promise at mount Horeb of whom Moses said, "the Lord will put his word in his mouth"( and during his time) any prophet who prophecy falsely that same prophet shall die" which came to pass during the time of Prophet Jeremiah and that false prophet was Hananiah ( Deut. 18:18-20, Jeremaih 1:1-10 chapter 28); to whom was giving the cup of God's wrath to be giving to all the nations of the world whose assignment he will accomplish in the end-times as one of the major prophets.
Who shall be given the last scroll containing all the prophecies of the prophets and was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings(Rev. 10:1-end) who shall use the combined prophetic powers of Moses and Elijah in the restoration of God's Kingdom on earth and through whom wrath of God will descend on earth, who shall be called "WORD OF GOD" to fight the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 11-end and 19:11-21)
Jesus said, "I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them so that they will heed to my voice and that they shall be one shepherd, one fold( John 10:16). The spirit of Archangel Michael known as Jacob was the prophet founder of the three holy religions, namely Judaism, Islam and Christianity beginning with baptism of water as John the Baptist who returned to Mount Horeb site known as Saudi Arabia and formed a new religion being a mixture of Judaism and Christainity called "Islam" whose name at that time was the Prophet Muhammad a descendant of Ishmael the son of Abraham for a fulfillment of the covenant of circumcision God made with Abraham, to be a God to the descendant of Ishmael and that of Isaac as an everlasting covenant(Genesis chapter 17:1-end);so that all Ishameal descendants and as many all over the world who embrace Islam will have his full share of God's blessings in his kingdom that will be established here on earth through the faithful sons of Abraham world-wide. Some of those accient prophets and priests include, Prophet Balaam and priest jetro who was Moses father-n-law all at Median near Mount Horeb in Sadui Arabia.
Evidently, Moses had a good knowlage of the God of Abraham through the Ishmaelites as a scholar who studied under Jethrow and who also adviced him on appointing elders to handling cases before God later approved the appointment and spiritual ordinations of the elders of Isreal in the Wildernes.
Therefore Prophet Isaiah predicted his arrival to dedicate the pillar to the Lord which he did at bethel; that pillar is found in Saudia Arabia the very site of mount sinia also known s mount Horeb; and that through this pillar all the Arab nations will worship one God with the Jews. In the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 19:19-end, the pillar located at the boarder of Egypt and the alter in the heart of Egypt was not found in Egypt but in Saudi Arabia the home country of Prophet Muhammad; Egypt was used as a symbol of the holy land being the home country of Hagar the Mother of Ishmael being the most civilized country in the ancient time. Therefore Prophet Mohammed being the very spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist was the promised prophet at mount Horeb in Saudi Arabia. According to the prophecy of Isaiah , he shall come from one of the northern countries of Israel as implied who religion will be related to facing the east where the sun rising in calling on the name of the Lord(Isa 41:25)
The biblical symbol of Ishmael is the bow and arrow; therefore the book of Revelation chapter 6:1-2 reveals a king wearing a crown handling a bow and arrow and went on conquering and conquering; therefore, like a wild ass like Ishmael with the bow and arrow, prophet Mohammed spread Islam across the globe under a religious warfare known as "Jihad" and whose zodiac sign is the appearance of the new moon represent the bow of Ishmael and the star represent the Archangel Gabriel(Gen 16:7-14, 17:1-end 21:1-21).
The key actors of the bible and the Koran are the Archangel Michael, Gabriel and the Messiah their leader. The principal two witnesses are Michael and Gabriel; when one is born the other remain as his guiding angels through visions and dreams.
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details

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