Wednesday, July 4, 2007


God's kingdom set-up and the building of the central temple by the sons of Abraham is a "MUST" and Saudi Arabia and Isreal to recognize the Central Holy City called "Cape Town" in South Africa and the end-time biblical prophet in order to avert the coming biblical plagues which will strke the entire middle east regions and across the globe in case of none compliance.

The coming Iman Madhi and Isa(Jesus Christ) according to some of the Islamic Hadith is the same person similar to the coming of the biblical two witnesses known as the Moses and Elijah where Prophet Elijah is the forerunner of Jesus Christ to represent Jesus Christ on earth who is to carry on all the activites of the end-time events before the actual physical second coming of Jesus Christ from heaven on the day of Judgment and not before the day of judgment. Therefore the end-time biblical prophet Elijah will manifiest as the Islamic Iman Madhi/Isa before the day of judgement comes which is the great and terrible day of the Lord(Mal.4:4-6).

On this account, the Islamic hadith gives the sign which will take place indicating the arrival of the prophet Elijah/Iman Madhi all of which had been fulfilled already. On of those signs include the mountiain of gold to be found by the Rivers Euphrates linking several Arab nations by the sea route. According the said prediction, the discovery of the mountain of gold will cause conflict among the Arab nations. 

Today the mountain of gold is the crude oil called the "Black Gold" which is the major economic power of the Arab nations except Isreal where the Rivers Euphrates becomes the major trading route through export and import of the black gold which links to other sea routes and to the rest whole world as the prediction in the hadith implied.
Saudi Arabia being the home country of Prophet Muhammed becomes the world largest producer of the black gold and the busiest pilgrimage centre on earth.

However, the location of Saudi Arabia the home country of Prophet Muhammed a descendant of Ishmael was given to Hagar the second wife of Abraham when she was driven away by Sarah her Mistress for the first time when Ismael was in her womb. When she was driven for the second time, she and Ismael went and lived in the very land the angel of the Lord directed her in order to fulfill Ismael's destiny which now become the holy land to all Arab nations, the very place of Mount Sinai and the land flowing with the milk and honey called the "BLACK GOLD"(see Gen.16: 1-end & 25:13-18).

According to the Islamic Hadith, the black gold will cause great conflict and people will be fighting and killing themselves. This prophecy is already fulfilled. The discovery of the black gold is the major couse of conlflct among the Arab nations this include Iraq occupation of Kuwait and past Gulf wars, Libya and Eritrea conflict over a piece of land containing the black gold. Capture of Sadam Husain by the United Sates and her allied forces in order to have free acess to the black gold which is the main financial power of the Middles East terrorist groups which is now a major great threat to the United States and the entire world.

According to the Islamic hadith, there will be two times eclipse in a year which took place in 2003 indicating the presence of Iman Madhi/Prophet Elijah as predicted.

The above explanation indicated that part of the prediction indicating the arrival of the Islamic Iman Mahdi/Prophet Elijah had been fulfilled which we shall note as part ONE of that prediction and the following is the part TWO which the prophet has to fulfill under God's own authority using the combined prophetic powers of Moses and Elijah of old which will stike both the Arab nations and Isreal in case of none compliance to the biblical directives.

The Islamic Hadith indicated that one of the signs indicating the arrival of the Islamic Iman Mahdi/Isa is that the Arab world(which is today enjoying are riches through her oil sales called "black gold")will be facing severe economic hadship and the rain will cease to fall on their land and there will be severe drought and the muslims will he looking for a way out but the Iman Madhi/Isa will cause the rain to fall again then the properity of the land will be restored.
Therefore the propheic power of Elijah/Iman Mahdi using the combined prophetic powers of Moses and Elijah will cause the rain to cease and to fall again based on the following condition in accordance with the biblical prophecies:

1) The whole Muslims must recognize the end-time biblical prophet Elijah as the Isa/Iman Madhi being the same person who is to rule and direct them in God's Kingdom of Abraham using the harmonized Islamic and Mosaic laws as the basic constitution that will government the whole world.
2) They will assist him in building the new temple in the new holy city called" CAPE TOWN" in South Africa which will serve as a central temple for all Jews, Christains and Muslims world-wide and not neither in Jerusalem, Mecca or Rome.

3) If they obey the voice of their leader, the Lord will heal their land as it had been written, "...the Lord will smite Egypt (including all her Arab nations; smiting and healing it..(Isa 19:18-end). Yet if they disobey, the River Nile of Egypt will dry inlcuding the River Euphrates as transaction of oil export and import will cease and the black gold which is the main economic power of the Arab world will be of no value as it is written: "Do not harm the wine and oil" but will be harmed in case of none compliance and will suffer from the biblical powers of Moses and Elijah where water turn to blood oil will become a waste and be of no economic value. As a result there will be water pollution of waste oil killing all living creatures in the seas and one third of the bunkering ships trading along the Rivers Euphrates which link to other sea routes in the middle east will cease to operate and abandon in case of none compliance to the biblical directives(Zec. 14:17-18, Rev. 6:8, 8:8-9, Rev. 16:12, 11:3-6 & Isa. 19:19-end).
To obey is better than sacrifices


The Chief Rabbi In Isreal is hereby advice to acknowge Jesus Christ as the true Messiah who is to descend from haven on the day of judgemet and not the prophet Elijah. The end-time prophet Elijah is born in the flesh of the blacks as a human to restore all things prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The restoration work include, the unification of the Jews, Christains and Muslims under one religion of the God of Abraham, the building of the central temple in the New Jerusalem in a neutral country outside Isreal, Mecca and Rome known as Cape Town in South Africa.

The Harmonization of the two Holy books, the Holy bible and the Holy Koran whose constitution will be used to rule the whole world called " The Book of the Covenant whose prophet will be known as the "Messenger of the Covenant to come" according to the Koran and called 'The Prince of the Covenant" according to Prophet Daniel chapter 8

For your information, your religion known as "JUDIASM" will be wiped out from the face of the earth; I mean "completely wipe out" it will not be found anymore in this end-times. It was "Judaism" that killed Jesus the Messiah and christains because Christainity is of God so it survive to this day. Now that the Government of the same Jesus Christ is going to rule the whole world in the end-times through the biblical prophet Elijah now appearing in the flesh of the blacks "clothed in sack cloth" who appeared in the flesh of John the Baptist in Israel as the forerunner of the Messiah who is to come on the day of Judgment being the very Jesus your forefathers crucified on the cross.
You are to work in harmony with the Christians and the Muslims believing Jesus as the true Messiah the leader of the sons of Abraham namely the Jews, Christains and Muslims whose government will rule the whole world through the end-time biblical prophet.

The end-time biblical prophet is the very King David incarnate who is to come first to set up his royal throne as he did in Isreal before the reign of King Solomon the very Son of God entitled and the Messiah who came humbly as Jesus Christ while king David came in the same manner as John the Baptist the Deputy Messiah.

Just as King Solomon the Messiah ruled on the throne of David so Jesus will rule the whole world in heaven through the throne of David prior to his second coming on the day of judgment (psalms 2:1-end)

The ancient throne of David is no longer ruling Israel but is has to be restored again by prophet Elijah in the end-times being the very spirit of King David in the latter days who is the restorer of all things and not a mare descendant of David as if resurrected from the dead as the prophecy of Ezekiel chapter 37 implied in respect of the resurrection of the dry bones involving king David reappearance and not Christ the Messiah to resurrect from the death or to return from heaven to restore the throne of David. A Forerunner has to restore and put things in place first similar to the assignment of John the Baptist before Jesus appears from heaven as a fulfillment of the biblical prophecies.

The very King David second appearance is described by Prophet Daniel as the "Ancient of Days" meaning one that was very old and full of many days with white hairs as white as wool; thus he was still referring to former King David who the bible still earlier described as one that was very old and full of many days before he handed over power to King Solomon the anointed Son of God entitled who is to restore his royal throne first which was made of fiery wheel and fire streaming out before him being the very Prophet Elijah who defeated the beast called the antichrist(as he defeated the Baal prophets as Elijah and Goliath as David) before the Son of Man which is the Messiah came with the clouds of heaven to meet him on earth who took over the dominion from Ancident of Days(King David) just as John the Baptist dominon was taking away as soon as Jesus started his ministry who attended the church of John the Baptist where he was baptized among others and went on to begin his ministry as a new branch of John the Baptist where no Christian is recognized as a Christain until he is being Baptized in the very Church like Jesus Christ which in the real sense, John was the founder of the Church through baptism which Jesus came and confirmed and was a baptized member.
Thus the throne of David shall be established first by the very King David himself before Jesus comes to rule again on the throne of David as the ancient King Solomon the very Son of God entitled (Ichron 23:1, Daniel 7:9-end & John 3:22-end)

Now if you will not accept Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and
his Forerunner then prepare to face the following combined biblical plagues of Moses and Elijah in this end-times in accordance with the biblical prophecies

1) Judaism will be wiped out completely from the face of the earth whether you like it or not; it will be grind to power(Mat 21:42-end)

2, No structure called "Synagogue" or "Temple" will stand both in Israel and in any part of the world and must be brought down to the earth just like the temple of Jerusalem was brought down.

3. Judaism is the only religion among the sons of Abraham that does not recognize Jesus Christ as the true Messiah till date; thefore is a religion of the antichrist among the sons of Abraham namely the Christians Jews both in Israel and in other countries, gentile Christians and Muslims world wide. This is the religion that killed the prophets, the Messiah and the Christians in Jerusalem which will be brought to justice.

3.There will be neither dew nor rain both in Isreal and in other countries where "Judiasm" is being practice as a religion.

4. Judiasm will become an enemy of progress to the nation of Isreal and the whole world until it is completely wiped out from the face of the earth together with other false religions.

5. Just as your forefathers persecuted the christains from place to place and from one city to another and killing them all this will come upon you in this evil generation and you will have no hiding place until you are consumed according to the biblical plagues of Moses(Deut. 28:15-end)

5. The United States and your closest allied nations will fight against Judaism which will be seen as an abomination to all nations under heaven in the end-times

6. The Christain Jews and the Muslims Jews living in Isreal will fight against your religion in order to save the country from the economic disaster which your government cannot control as it is written, "One that day,two third (two third of the Jews in Judaism) will be cut off and one third( of the Christains Jews and Muslims Jews) will remain to be refined(Zec. 13:7-9

But if you repent and recognized the end-time biblical prophet and confess that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah and that you are not the generation of your forefathers that shed the blood of the saints then you will be freed from the blood guilt but if you ignore then you will see it with you eyes and before you come to believe it is too late. Then Many shall come from the four corners of the world and eating and drinkig on the table of Abraham and you yourselves cast out forever like the lost ten tribes of Israel.

To obey is better than sacrifices

About the Author

Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visions and dreams which he use as as a guide for his.research.

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