Wednesday, July 4, 2007


The year AD 2000 marks the beginning of the fulfillment of all the end times biblical events as predicted in the books of the prophets in which God's invading armies would be recognized as Terrorist and whose activities would be claimed by other Terrorists.
God's invading armies are predicted in the books of Prophet Joel to emerge along with the biblical prophet before the great and terrible of the Lord's comes(Joel chapter 2) and in Revelation chapter 9;1-end; These armies are for the Land force.
In Revelation chapter 19:11-16, we have the Air force and in the book of Habakkuk we have the Naval force known as the Navy which fight through the sea(Habakuk chapter 3)
The activities of these end times armies are contained in the scroll which will be revealed to the end-time biblical prophet through visions and dreams in order to give warning before they strike
The biblical plagues performed by Moses comprise of land, air and sea forces which was performed by group of destroying angels which were not physically seen except Moses( Psalms 78:43-51).
During major biblical events, the sea and land forces combined together and strike. Like in the days of Noah's flood, all the fountain of the deep burst out first to create a big flood later it was combined with the rain and thunder from the sky which lasted for forty days and nights as the air forc and submerged the whole whole(Gen. 7:11-12).
During the days of Prophet Elijah, the heat of the sun was obscured by powder and dust to reduce the water evaporation from the sea. Consequently, the sea could not release her water vapor into the sky while the heat of the sun increased and burning the earth with a fervent heat which cause the draught for there and half years. At the end of the three and half years, the dust particles cleared from the sky and the sea began to release her water vapour in the form of human hand rising out of the sea and immediately the heaven was darkened with rain according to the demand of the Prophet Elijah(1Kings 18:41-end).
Similary, during wild fire disaster, will be a combination of the air, sea and land force. The water wapour will cease to rise causing the draught while the sun smite the earth with great heat to effect the spreading of the wild fire caused by lighnings.
God's invading armies sometimes appear physically in a human form like in the days of Abraham during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah who even visited Abraham and informed him of their mission and then heading towards Sodom and Gomorrah whom Lot his nephew received as visitors who stayed with him till the following morning as heavenly terrorists assigned for a mission who later helped Lot escape to Zoar before they rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed the two cities.(Genesis chapter 18 to 19).
God's armies appeared in person to Jacob on the way as group of angels who even wrestled with an angel(Gen 32:1.) God's Army Captain appeared to Joshua in person with a sword in his hand during the conquest of Jericho(Joshua 5:13-15).
Similary in the end-times, angels will appear physically in human form to carry on the end-time assignment in accordance with the biblical prophecies. Their mission will be revealed to the end-time biblical prophet Elijah representing the Lord of the Earth as they did to Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah(Zec. 14:11-14, 18:1-8 & 11:3-13).
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus having received the Angel's scroll in 1981,later received the mantle of the Prophet Elijah in July, 1984 and the Crown of King David in Septeber 20th 1985 received from the Archangel Gabriel who gave him a full bottle of the brimstone whose gases physically affect his body vibrating all over his body like the noise of engine room from 1984 till date in the same night he received the mantle of Elijah as representatives of God's armies on earth. The sound of the vibration of the gase could be heared in the loud speakers which smells as sulphur called "brimstone" whose gases comes out from his mouth, ears and nose having a supper human nature on receipt of the mantle of Eliajh in 1984
As a Representative and Ambassador of God's kingdom on earth in the end-times, he has to be informed first through visions and dreams of any major biblical operation to be carried out in accordance with the biblical prophecies as contained in the scroll and then give warning in advance to the whole world before they strike within a range of One to three and half years period.(Psalms 18:8 & Rev.11:3-6).
Evidently, in Revelation chapter 9, the command was given to release the prophet Joel locost armies and the release the four angels captain of four groups bound by the River Euphrates who calvary troops were numbered 200,000000 to kill one third of the earth's population, to harm those who have not received the mark(NAME) of God spiritually on their foreheads whose horses mouth(represents our modern weapons) issue out fire and sulphus called "brimstone"(like Prophet Goodnews Adolphus spiritually in the battle field) and issue out smoke(thick smoke or fog) in one hour, weeks and months operations.
Just as Prophet Goodnews Adolphus appears in the likeness of Jesus Christ as a Jew/Arab, likewise this great end-time Joel armies and from the River Euphrates are appearing as Arabs terrorist in human form to carry out their operation with modern sophisticated weapons whose operations are far advanced than the ordinary terrorists.
The activies of these end-time biblical terrorists is referred in the prophecies of Nutradamus as the coming of the Arabian King of Terro who had the capability to defeat all security systems and carry on their operation succesfully without being detected who represent the coming of Iman Mahdi who was to manifest in Ad 2001 when he will be 40 years of ages which is the very age of Prophet Goodnews Adolphus who was born on the 19th of May, 1960 was 40 years of age in Ad 2001 and the September 11 tragedy marked the arrival of the King of Terro/Iman Mahid/Prophet Elijah confirming the Islamic and Nutradamus prediction of the arrival of Iman Madhi and the Arabian King of Terror and the 40 years of Age of the biblical Prophet Goodnews Adolphus whose stagedy shook the whole world as a fulfillment of the biblical prophecies regarding the falling Babylon which consist of world traders who were represented in the World Trade Centre as implied( Revelation chapter 18).
Therefore the end-time prophet Elijah is to fulfill both the Islamic and biblical prophecies whose events are to be revealed to him both in vision and in the dreams and then give his warnings on any major biblical events
Following the fulfillment of the prophecies of Natradamus prediction of September 11, 2001 which I re-called in my prediction of 2004, including the prediction of fire and earthquakes, these other Islamic terrorists are now using it as a guide to predicting and warning the United States claiming full responsibility of the September 11 tragedy and the Hurican Katrina that struck the United State as part of their global network and including the fire disaster and the earthquakes which will strike the United States.
As for the earthquake and the fire, this terrorists claims that they have acquired a nuclear device that can cause volcano eruption which will destroy several part of U.S with fire and that it is 90 percent ready while they lie in wait for the prophecies to fulfill and then to come out to claim full responsibility.
These biblical terrorist operate with murder weapons and you cannot find their location because they are supper human - partly spiritual and partly human, They have the most advanced technology that can beat any security systems on earth to carry on their operation as predicted by prophet Joel chapter 2, ready to strike any target for the hour, week and month according to the book of Revelation chapter 9. Their signs include mysterious smoke, fire and sulphur(gun power) to wipe out one third of the earth population. They can operate on air strike with modern air craft, land and sea and involve in major air disasters through plane crash including land routes, bomb exposition and engage in major conflicts.
The suspects of the Islamic terrorist arrested under torture may be making false confessions but is far from the truth.
Therefore Usman Bin Laden and his terrorist group were not responsible for the September 11 attack but were mare suspects who claimed responsibility after the incident just as they are claiming responsibility of other predictions yet to be fulfilled. The tragedy was performed by the Biblical terrorist group to fulfill the biblical prophecy of the World Trade Centre involing traders from all over the world as predicted in the book of Revelation chapter 18 representing the United States being the World Leader like the accient Babylon
Consequently, the U.S WAR ON TERROR cannot succeed stoping the biblical terrorists assigned to wipe out one-third of the earth population prior to the battle of Armaageddon.
Theefore, "Fear God and give him the glory; for the hour of judgment has come" Rev. 14:6-7
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Preparing Isreal for Messiah's Return
Endtime King David's photograph on the net
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
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