Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Prophet Prophet Goodnews Adolphus activities In International Trade And Finance by PROPHET GOODNEWS ADOLPHUS

God gave king Solomon wisdom and understanding who became a Mighty Councilor indeed who had understanding in international trade activities. Had fleets of ships, dealt on export and import of horses and trade on gold and other precious stones such as diamond, silver and became the riches and wisest in the whole ancient world.
Prophet Goodnews Adophus who received the angel's scroll containing the prophecies of the prophets was also trained in international trade and finance in order to enable him interpret the prophecies of the prophet using an advanced research methods of the modern world as applicable in international trade operations.
He was asked to work at a busy sea Port of Onne in Nigeria as a Tally clerk employed by the then NATIONAL DOCK LABOUR BOARD of Nigeria who took every record of goods discharged and loaded on board ships for export and was in love with his job but want to know "HOW" to import and export as a middle man called "AGENT"
One day, on board the ship from a sailor's hand, he got a magazine containing various foreign advertisements including export/import training courses from London and the other training to become a Financial Consultant. Goodnews wrote down the addresses and on the following day wrote for free brochures which revealed details of the courses and the fees to be paid. Using his High School qualification, Goodnews made a foreign exchange and then enrolled for the two courses; one in the United states on Financial Consultancy and the other on export and import London. This was in 1982 shortly after he received the angel's scroll.
He also wrote down those visions from the scroll which look like a dream or vision book but could not have the idea of relating it to the modern day development as those visions are strange to him and has not read or heard about them from someone else; so it was difficult to teach some one as there was no sound proof from the biblical perspective to the current event. But as he kept on studying, his courses in international trade and finance, he was also trained on how to carry out a research on international perspective relating to the product and services using various encyclopedias and directories.
He could now make use of public libraries to have data on specific issues either for his products required for export or finance or historical and scientific data relating to the biblical visions from the angel's scroll.
For example, when he got the vision of the Sodom and Gomorrah, he was surprised to see that the fire and brimstone rained from the sun; so he went through reference books and carried out his research to see if vision from the bible are related to the sun. Through his study, he found out that the sun contains 90 percent of hydrogen Atom with some percentage of sulphur called "Brimetone". From this point he continued to carry out more research which ended up that the biblical vision about the sun in respect of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah destruction, was real back up with biblical, scientific and geographical factors. At this point, he could now write with every confidence giving proofs of his biblical finding from the angel's scroll as a trained Consultant like King Solomon of old and like Moses in Egypt trained as a Leader being the adopted Prince of Pharoah's daughter who was given all the Egyptian education before he commenced his mission.
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus set up his consultancy firm in 1984 with the name ' G. DELCAN INTERNATIONAL SERVICES' which is appearing in several websites regarding his consultancy services. Got more training from the INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE WTO/UNCTAD Geneva since 1993 also appointed by ITC as Marketing Consultant for her Market News service Report for subscription by Nigerian Exporters. Also registered with the United Nations' IAPSO - Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office as consultant on procurement issue.
He had initiated project involving the world bank(International Finance Corporation)on agro industrial project involving Nigerian clients and had linked up buyers and sellers together as part of his consultancy package.
Using the financial consultancy training directory from the United States, he got his first international business letter address to Declan International Services from the Export-import bank of the United States dated 12th June, 1984 in respect of the financial scheme available to Nigerian importers of U.S made goods and services. Declan has been registered in several business directories world -wide for business contacts since 1984 before the advent of the internet.
It is believed that the business name 'DELCAN' was first introduced by him which other later copied
Goodnews Adolphus as a Consultant is still very active to render such professional services to individuals and organization in respect of trade and finance including national and international operations and also local and foreign joint venture contacts .
You may contact him only on viable and reliable projects. He is good at detecting any form of scam email or fake request if it is not in line with the required business practices as a consultant with several years of International business experience who maintains his reputation and professional standard since 1984 till date. He was a member of the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria and affiliate member of the Nigerian Institute of Management
email address;
About the Author
Goodnews Adolphus is a religious Author, and a Consultant in International Trade and Finance, A Diploma Holder in "International Trade and Finance"(U.K) and Full Member of the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria

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