Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Dear Reader,
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus is a Nigerian Jew of Joseph's tribe who had written several prophetic articles and will still write more as long as the Lord still give him more revelation from the angel's scroll he spiritually received in 1981 when he appeared in the wilderness of Prophet John the Baptist who was ordained to minister in the spirit and power of the Prophet Elijah in this end-times.
He had given several predictions on global events many of which are already fulfilled.
Below is the spiritual benefit you will derive from his inspired articles:
*His prophetic articles is based on theory to practical; meaning reading from the bible and show you WHERE AND HOW it is happening in the modern world which makes his articles look prophetic and different from others.
*As soon as you finished reading his articles in deep understand, you will also be inspired to elaborate on those issues and automatically you become part of Elijah's team of end-time prophets as same inspiration will flow through you.
*You will read and find out things yourself to ensure that it is in line with the biblical prophecies.
*His teaching is based on the revelation he got from the angel's scroll from the books of the Prophets which will come to pass in the exact or similar manner.
*Above all, it gives you a fist hand information on what may likely occur in the future within some few weeks and ranges between ONE TO THREE AND HALF YEARS TIME period before it strike
*His articles also include links to other website which include other interesting articles related to what he had earlier written with more biblical exposition and link to websites indicating the events that had been fulfilled in the exact or similar manner and many more.
Most of the articles he writes are being published in several websites world-wide by webmasters having known the value of it and is welcome by most readers thereby polling traffic to their websites as well; but most Webmaster delay in publishing most of his articles and will be showing only articles that most people are interested in why most of them which are of sensitive nature are not published but the Lord wants them to be published for a witness before it will come to pass.
SO, you will be missing most of his uncompromising end-time prophetic teachings if you rely only on the ones published by search engines and in other websites.
To this end, we have made a package for your complete study of God's Word directly from the end-time biblical prophet.
Now we offer free subscription, to be sending you all the past articles(including those ones you have not come across) and future articles directly to your email address; so do not need to go through search engines any more.
On our part, we spent time and money in writing, typing and browsing for hours to put the information across to you to guide you.
Donation from individuals and organizations to this end-time Elijah's Prophetic Ministry will receive spiritual reward from the Biblical Prophet(Mat 10:41). A faithful shower in the end-time Elijah's Ministry will reap prophetic miracles.
His or her oil of blessing, flour and water of life will never cease as long as the ministry of Prophet Elijah endures in the end-times( 1 Kings 17:13-16).. You will be remembered in Prayer.
By Prophet Goodnews Adolphus
Email: Phone: 2348034505063
May the seal of God be seen on you in Jesus MIGHTY NAME, AMEN
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
Click here for one of his articles

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