Wednesday, July 4, 2007


The big name, "ACCIENT OF DAYS" has confused lot of bible scholars from around the world since from the ancient times as there is no detailed information about who Prophet Daniel described as the 'THE ACCIENT OF DAYS". Lot of song books had been composed praising the "ACCIENT OF DAYS" with the believe that he is the "ALMIGHTY FATHER IN HEAVEN" worthy to be worshipped.
Worshipping a prophet of God is an abomination before the Lord except where it is commanded by God from the scripture like in the case of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave his precious life to save the whole world as was predicted in the books of the prophets( Isa 9:6-7 and Revelation chapter 5:1-end). Therefore God concealed the grave of Moses from the people of Israel during his death so that he is not worshipped as GOD (Deut. Chapter 34).
Prophet Daniel described prophet Elijah as the Accient of Days one who must come first to restore all things including the kingdom of God to be ruled by the sons of Abraham whose government will be overthrow later by the antichrist (see Daniel 7:1-25). Daniel disclosed that thrones were cast to the earth and one that was ancient of days took his seat(representing Christ; Rev. 1:12-14). Note that Daniel did not call him by his real name instead he described him as an aged man full of many years. Use King James version and the Revise Standard version and read Isaiah chapter 24:23 describing "Ancient" as Elders.
Prophet Elijah who appeared to Daniel looking very elderly like Moses his collogue who ascended into heaven in a Chariot of fire made of two wheels (2 Kings 2:11-12) also saw his second coming just as he ascended into heaven sitting on a throne made of fiery wheels and fire was streaming out from before him(being a prophet who destroyed his enemies by fire; see 2kings 1:9-18 also described as one the two witnesses who shall destroy his enemies by fire streaming out of his mouth; Rev: 11:3-7).
Prophet Daniel revealed that as a GREAT RESTORER he shall be the first to restore God's kingdom on earth with thousands of the saints and more than ten thousands stood before him for judgment he was referring to the books of the law as a Chief Judge and one who will execute judgment on beast which is the antichrist(in the battle of Armageddon)and who will cast the beast into the furnace of fire during his military regime before the second coming of Jesus Christ follows.
Daniel now revealed the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven to meet the accident of days here on earth immediately the beast had been defeated and cast into the furnace of fire by the end-time biblical prophet whom Daniel described as the "ACCIENT OF DAYS" NOT GOD THE ALMIGHTY PLEASE..
Daniel said, " I saw in the night vision and behold one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven(which is Jesus coming with the clouds of heaven) and he came to the "Ancient of Days"(who was already on earth after he had cast the beast into the furnace of fire during the great tribulation) and (JESUS) was presented to him (the "ACCIENT OF DAYS" JUST AS THE WAY JESUS PRESENTED HIMSELF TO JOHN THE BAPTIST WHO CAME IN THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIJAH WHO BAPTIZED HIM AND DECLEARED HIM FIRST AS THE MESSIAH AND WAS CONFIRMED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE LIKENESS OF A DOVE; see Dan. 7:9-28 and Mat 3:1-17). THIS IS GOING TO RE-OCCUR IN THE END-TIMES
Similarly, Prophet Malachi predicted the coming of the prophet Elijah before the coming and dreadful day of the Lord who shall put the holy laws into force giving through Moses in collogue as the Lord commanded him at Mount Horeb for all Israel (Mal. 4:4-6). However the second coming of Elijah was first manifested through John the Baptist who came in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:3-17) and Jesus indicted that there shall a further fulfillment of the coming of Elijah in the end-times who shall come first to restore all things just as it was revealed to Prophet Daniel.
I hereby advice song writers and gospel song publishers to please retrieve and stop using that name "ACCIENT OF DAYS" from those publications since it is an abomination before the Lord to take a prophet as the ALMIGHTY FATHER IN HEAVEN including the angels as the prophet Elijah is still the very Archangel Michael the great Prince who shall re-appear and fight the beast in the great tribulation as revealed in the books of the prophets as indicated in my past articles.
May the Lord forgive all of us now that we have come to know the truth of the matter which he revealed to us from the angel's scroll in this end-times; lot of mistakes and beliefs has to be corrected so as to avoid the wrath of God descend on us.
You are warned!
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details

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