Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Jesus Christ had got in touch with Abraham both in the Old and in the New Testament physically and not in spirit. We got the confirmation from Abraham and from Christ himself in the very Holy Bible. Jesus Christ was explaining to the Jews how he had got personal contact with Abraham on earth both in the Old and New Testament and not before the beginning of creation, for the fact that the Jews and Abraham had not witnessed the beginning of creation with Christ; So one should not come up to imagine that he was referring to saint John Gospel which said Jesus existed from the beginning of all creation as the WORD of God (John 1:1-5).
The argument between him and the Jews was based on his personal contact with Abraham which the Jews disbelieved saying "You are not yet 50 years old and you said you had seen Abraham?" He proved to then how he met Abraham personally both in the Old and New Testament as follows: First he said "You father Abraham rejoiced that he was to see my days; he saw it and was glad " (John 8: 56) Now the big question is "Where did God promise Abraham of such in the bible? The answer to this question is not found in the book of Genesis regarding Abraham on this matter but the answer must be found in the bible just as prophet Isaiah says "Seek and read the book of the Lord; no one is missing, none shall be without her mate" The book of proverb says, "Get Wisdom and whatever you get, get insight" (Is. 34:16 & Pro. 4:7 RSV).
In this regard, the very book quickly refer us to a certain old man in the New Testament whose name was Simeon; he was just and devout waiting for the consolation of Israel; he was told by God's Holy Spirit that he would not see dead until he had seen Lord's Christ. So this old man would be one of the happiest man on earth to receive such a divine promise.
As the mother Mary brought in the child Jesus for the dedication in the temple, the very holy Spirit quickly reminded him of the promise being fulfilled; so he rushed into the temple and took the baby from her; with a broken heart and eyes flowing with tears of joy he said, "Lord now latest they servant depart peace, ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD" for mine eyes have seen they salvation which thou hast prepared for they children Israel......"(Luke 2:25 - 35).
Further more, the old man told Mary one deep word which made her afraid, he said "A sword will pierce through your own soul ALSO so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed" The word "ALSO" indicate a re-occurrence of a past event. Now why should Simeon use the word "ALSO"? What had he experienced in the past as a father of a son being his only son who had no son in the New Testament? The answer is clear. The word "SOUL" also refer to physical being; for example the bible says, "The soul that sinned shall die", "...only eight souls were saved during Noah's flood" etc. (Ezk. 18:20 & 1 Peter 3:20).
The old man Simeon being a prophet as Abraham was indirectly revealing to Mary what shall happen to her own son "ALSO" just as it happened to him of old. The word "pierce" indicate killing. Abraham the friend of God was asked to offer Isaac for a sacrifice being his only begotten son as implied (Gen. 22:1-14). God his friend later presented his only Son ALSO for the sins of the whole world, using Abraham's son which was replaced by ram in the Old Testament as a symbol
God's only begotten son was brought into the world through the Virgin Mary. At the time of sacrifice, the two sons performed the same way but slight differences occur both New and the Old Testament. Here are the details: Abraham's son carried the logs of wood by himself to a high mountain also Mary's son carried a big wooden cross to mount Calvary.
On arrival on the mountain, Abraham's son was laid on the wooden alter with both hands and feet tied firmly to be killed and burnt. ALSO Mary's son was laid on the wooden cross with both legs and hands pierced with long nails affixed firmly in the wooden cross. Abraham's son was to be pierced by a dagga but escaped dead; a ram was provided in his place; and Mary's son who was pierced on the side, legs and feet died on the mountain.
Simeon said, when this shall happenM, then the thought of many hearts shall be revealed. During his crucifixion, most of the Jews did not believe that he was the son of God and were making mockery of him but upon his dead, the thoughts of many were revealed including a Centurion who then said "This is indeed the Son of God" when he and all the people saw the great earthquake and the great storm that shook the whole earth and there was thick darkness. They went home in fear and beating their breasts regretting but they where the same who said "Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him, Crucify him!...... "( Mark 15:12-39 & Luke 2:44-49).
About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address

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