Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Since from the time I started pouring out the revelations from the scroll in the internet about the Islamic religion which was revealed to me as one of the true religions of the sons of Abraham, I started seeing several Islamic articles and websites giving similar information to the ones I have already stated from the Holy bible which I am now following-up as part of my research based on the revelations from the Holy bible since I am not a Muslim but God gave me revelation about the Muslims as my brothers and sisters being the sons of Abraham. I am a founder of a Pentecostal denomination known as "THE ROCK OF JESUS PROPHETIC MINISTRIES" in Nigeria
The Bible/photograph confirm the re-appearance of the end-time King David in the very image of Jesus Christ also confirmed the former appearance of Prophet Muhammed and who is to come again for the final assisgment as the last prophet in the same image of Jesus Christ as a forerunner before the day of judgement.
Prophet Muhammed being the very spirit of prophet Elijah and as king David will re-emerge from a Christain/Jewish family before the final arrival of the Messiah from heaven on the day of Judgement.
King David fought and ruled Israel who enforced Judaism whose laws he used in ruling Israel and likewise he did when he emerged from among his Arab brethren as prophet Mohammed in the same image of King David as was described in the books of the prophets who fought and ruled Saudi Arabia using the Islamic laws
According to the bible, King David was very handsome and reddish in colour, having attractive eyes; according to some bible scholars, he was of average height not too tall and not too short.
While king Solomon is also reddish in colour and white in complexion with attractive eyes like a dove, having long hairs like a woman and was very handsome who appeared in the New Testament as Jesus Christ in the very descriptions as revealed in the holy bible
While king David his father came as John the Baptist being the next messiah to Jesus Christ the very King Solomon. Since both father and son looked alike, if King David re-appear even in the Arab world as Prophet Muhammed and as prophet Goodnews Adolphus in Africa he will appear in the image of Jesus Christ as to fulfill what is stated in the books of the prophets.
For more details about king David and King Solomon as father and Son in the New Testament click here below
Now as for prophet Mohammed, according to the " hadith" (a prophetic book of Prophet Muhammed) states that:
1. Was of average height(not too tall and not too short) 2. He was white and redish in complextion(Like king David an King Solomon) 3. He was very handsome 4. He had attractive eyes(Like King David and King Solomon) 5. He had a broad chest(Like Jesus Christ and like Goodnews Adolphus 6. His body was perfectly built and attractive(like Jesus Christ and like Prophet Goodnews Adolphus) 7. His hair reached his shoulders(Like Jesus Christ). The portion between his two shoulders was wide. 8. he had wide black eyes and long eyelashes. 9. had a very luminous complexion (color), and a wide forehead. His eye brows were of dense and fine hair ... 10. His eyelashes were long." etc
Click here below for more details from the Islamic website
photograph of prophet Goodnews Adolphus appearing in the same image of Jesus Christ being the former King David and Prophet Muhammed click here below and take a look on this biblical/Islamic photgraphs
Being the last of the prophets to come to prepare the way of the Messiah, the Islamic prophetic book stated how he will appear again as follows:
His Features
*He will be tall (like prophet Goodnews Adolphus)
* He will be fair complexioned (like prophet Goodnews Adolphus
* His facial features will be similar to those of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam(He will also have the very image of Prophet Muhammed)
* His character will be exactly like that of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam(He will also behave like Prophet Muhammed anothe name of Muhammed is Sallallahu)
* His father's name will be Abdullah(Meaning Muhammed will come back again from the very father whose name was Abdullah; Goodnews surname is Adolphus)
* His mother's name will be Aamina(implying he will come again from the very mother whose name was Amina; Goodnews mother's name is Alibiada)
* He will speak with a slight stutter and occasionally this stutter will frustrate him causing him to hit his hand upon his thigh(This is quite correct; Prophet Goodnews stammered from birth which was a very serious problem to him but as he grew up to adulthood God gave him the grace to control it even then sometimes it comes up unexpectedly when he speaks in public)
* His age at the time of his emergence will be forty years (This is quite correct; Prophet Goodnews Adolphus was born on the 19th of May, 1960 was 40 years of age in AD 2001 being the year the end-time biblical/Islamic prophet will emerge according to another Hadith of Prophet Muhammed)
* He will receive Knowledge from Allah(Through revelation from the books of the prophets on the receipt of the scroll in 1981)
For details of the second coming of Prophet Muhammed as the Islamic Messiah or Iman Mahdi click here below
For the year and period of his second coming Click here below
The parent of Prophet Muhammed,
Click here below
Islamic scholars should note that the end-time assignment of the Islamic/Jewish Messiah will be fulfilled by prophet Muhammed Abdullah who has alredy emerged from a Jewish/Christain background as Prophet Goodnews Adolphus whose assignment is to bring the Jews, Christains and Muslims together to form one religion under one government world wide being the sons of Abraham.
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus wedded his wife on the 30th of December 2000 and had two sons already not the Messiah who is to come from above to marry and born children; and he was already 40 years of age in Ad 2001. The Jewish Messiah will come from heaven on the day of Judgement and not before the day of judgment . Full details click here below
Events within the last Seven years of Prophet Daniel being revealed as the last seven years of Iman Mahdi in the Hadith
Click hear below
Islamic scholars should note that vision and dreams in most cases are given in symbols and not all will fulfill exactly as revealed to the prophets but only give a clue of what may likely occur in the future as a guide. Moreso, vision and dreams fulfills from generation to generation in several forms but from the same prediction or revelation; the fulfillment will be similar to one another like a mustered seed once planted grew up produce millions but from the same seed.
Let the Peace of God be with you all. Amen

About the Author
Prophet Goodnews Adolphus received the scroll containing the prophecies of the old prophets to be reprophesied in the modern world; most of those passages of the scriptures are again revealed to him in both visisons and dreams which he use as a guide for his research and teachings. Email address
click here below for more details

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